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  1. Greetings; As shown in the attachments, I thought I should use the AC sweep to create a Bode Plot of a High Pass Circuit. I tried the circuit Bode Plot with and without a Vref probe and with and without Voltage probes. Instead of displaying a high pass bode plot , Multisim displays a low pass bode plot. HOW should I set up Multisim to create a High Pass Bode Plot?
  2. Greetings; I have a premium account. I placed a 3 mOhm resistor in series with the an inductor. See attachment. I see the Spice netlist. How can I edit the netlist Inductor ESR ? or Can I import my own spice file.
  3. Greetings; I am teaching High School Seniors Digital Fundamentals and have the budget to either purchase Discovery 2 or 3 devices. Does Multisim export any files to Discovery 2 or Discovery 3 or vise versa ? I have WIndows 10 i5 16 GB desktops in the classroom.
  4. Greetings; I am teaching High School Students Digital Fundamentals. I plan to use the web based version of MultiSIM Live since the school IT is hesitate about installing MultiSIM. I have an idea for a High School Lab - Compare a simulated timing diagram in MultiSIM Live with a DISCovery 2 or Discovery 3 Logic Analyzer connect to 1. 555 Timer ? 2. Arduino to a I2C Sensor ? 3. Any other suggestion? I do not have Discovery 2 or a Discovery 3, but have budget to purchase several and some accessories. Thank you in advance.
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