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Everything posted by GalD101

  1. I thought of implementing synchronous sampling since I thought that asynchronous sampling is slower and not fast enough for my project. I am now trying to learn how to save to memory. also apologies for the poor explanation of my problem, I just never used FPGAs before and never learned verilog or any other HDL language such as VHDL
  2. Hi, I have a goal of building a cheap CCU (coincidence counting unit) using my xc7s25csga255-1 spartan 7 (link). I want to be able to record all the pulses and save them (using a photon detector device that will connect to the FPGA). To start with something simpler, I want to record how many times I press a button and measure the time between each click. When I'm done, all the data that I recorded should move to an external computer. How can I achieve this? edit: I need to implement a CCU (coincidence counting unit) using my xc7s25csga255-1 spartan 7 (link). I'm using Verilog and working with Vivado. I want to be able to record all the pulses (using a photon detector device that will connect to the FPGA) from 2 channels and if both of them are active at the same time, record that (I think using an and gate) and also save when it happened. I want all the data that was recorded to be transferred to a computer (it can happen during the experiment or after it). I thought of using UART to send data but to my understanding, it's not fast enough. The whole operation should take about 30 seconds. I might be wrong but I think that in order to achieve this, I need to first write to BRAM as I run the experiment, and then transfer the data to a computer (I think that writing to BRAM is faster than transforming the data to a computer I might be wrong).
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