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Carl Troili

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Everything posted by Carl Troili

  1. Hi, I have modified the Analogin_Trigger demo script. ( Thanks for all the demo scripts by the way ) I have changed it to sample 16 bit and using trigsrcAnalogOut1 as trig and using a triangle instead of sinus as a signal. I want each acquisition to start with the triangle at the lowest. I am able to achieve that for a specific sample rate and frequency of the triangle wave by adding a delay using dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerPositionSet(hdwf, c_double(sampling_delay)) I have a fixed number of samples and I adjust the sample rate to get one triangle wave whatever the frequency of triangle is. sampling_freq=nSamples*triangle_freq For a frequency of the triangle from 1 k to 4 k I get the same delay of 2014 samples but then when I increase the frequency to 5k it changes to 1600 samples and then stays at that for 6k and 7k and so on. How to predict how big the delay should be ? Regards Carl Troili AnalogIn_Trigger_Int16_Send.py
  2. Hi @reddish, now I have tested your script. As I increase the number of samples my total bandwidth increases. I went all the way from 64 samples to 16384 samples and got 3536 waveforms at 64 samples and 830 waveforms at 16384 samples. An anomaly was at 512 samples. Then I could only acquire 694 waveforms. With both fewer number of samples and more samples I could acquire more than 3000 samples. I repeated it with the original Analogin_Wps.py and got the same behavior If I increased the number of samples to 513 I got above 3000 waveforms/s again and I lowered it to 504 samples and got above 3000 waveforms again. It does not really affect me but it might be worthwhile for @attila to look into Thanks again for your help and interest.
  3. Hi @reddish give me some time and I will check out your code also. For your info I modified the AnalogInRecordMode.py to a single version. Thanks for responding. Carl
  4. Thanks for the suggestion to improve resolution.
  5. In the top of the example it says it requires python version 2.7.3. I am using 3.11.3 What kind of errors should I look for if I continue to use a version 3 Python. Regards Carl
  6. It works the same on my computer. I will add the signal generators and then repeat it. Regards Carl
  7. Hi, I am using an Analog Discovery 3 to acquire a short sample of data many times a second. What I would like to achieve is to sample 1000 samples at 100 Mhz 1000 times a second ie I want to sample 1 Millions samples a second. I am using Python and the Pydwf library. I am achieving 300 acquisitions of 1000 samples a second and I can also achieve 300 acquisitions of 10000 samples but I cannot increase the number of acquisitions. By measuring the time before and after different calls to the SDK using timex=time.time() I have pinpointed the problem to the call status = analogIn.status(True). It takes by itself 3 ms and it doesn't matter if the acqusition is 1000 samples or 10000 samples. I believe analogin.status is the same as FDwfAnalogInStatus. Is there anything I can do to improve the response time of that function call ? The code is basically this https://github.com/sidneycadot/pydwf/blob/master/source/pydwf-examples/AnalogInRecordMode.py But I have analogIn.acquisitionModeSet(DwfAcquisitionMode.Single) instead of record to control the length of the sample window. My actual code is added below. Regards Carl Troili AnalogInSingleMode.py
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