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  1. Is there a way to capture Digital Inputs 40 ms after a trigger has occurred? I can do this in waveforms by setting the position out into some future number, but it seems in python I can only capture up to the number of samples I have set in the buffer, so I'm limited to my sampling rate * cSamples in time.. dwf.FDwfDigitalInTriggerSourceSet(hdwf, c_ubyte(11)) # T1 dwf.FDwfDigitalInBufferSizeSet(hdwf, c_int(cSamples)) dwf.FDwfDigitalInTriggerPositionSet(hdwf, c_int(cSamples)) Is there a way around this?
  2. Do you have to set digital in to trigger off of analog? Can they both trigger of T1? Seems like when I do this digital Inputs are just a little bit behind..
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