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Everything posted by ALR723

  1. Hi, we run into an unresponsive state while measuring using the DAQ and it requires a PC reboot to fix the issue. Non-periodic and not sure how to reproduce but face it every so often. Is it a drive issue or certain commands causing buffer overflow not sure. Any advice is appreciated.
  2. Thank you John for your prompt reply. To explain the issue we are facing further, the device randomly reports incorrect state such as that it is incapable of any analog-in gain ranges. A power cycle doesn't seem to reset the error either. Here is an example code that shows what is the expected (normal operation) output and output when board is in a bad state. if __name__ == "__main__": serial_number = "Board USB-1616HS-4 SERIAL NUMBER" for i, descriptor in enumerate(ul.get_daq_device_inventory(InterfaceType.USB)): if serial_number == descriptor.unique_id: # Check that the board has been created board_num = i # Update the descriptor board_descriptor = descriptor board_info = DaqDeviceInfo(board_num) ai_info = board_info.get_ai_info() ao_info = board_info.get_ao_info() print(f"{board_info.supports_analog_input=}") print(f"{ai_info.supported_ranges=}") print(f"{ai_info.supported_scan_options=}") #Normal operation output: #board_info.supports_analog_input=True #ai_info.supported_ranges=[<ULRange.BIP10VOLTS: 1>, <ULRange.BIP5VOLTS: 0>, <ULRange.BIP2VOLTS: 14>, <ULRange.BIP1VOLTS: 4>, <ULRange.BIPPT5VOLTS: 6>, <ULRange.BIPPT2VOLTS: 13>, <ULRange.BIPPT1VOLTS: 7>] #ai_info.supported_scan_options=<ScanOptions.RES_BLOCK_IO|HIGHRESRATE|EXTTRIGGER|DMAIO|CONVERTDATA|EXTCLOCK|CONTINUOUS|BACKGROUND: 1075855439> #Bad state output: #board_info.supports_analog_input=True #ai_info.supported_ranges=[] #ai_info.supported_scan_options=<ScanOptions.RES_BLOCK_IO|HIGHRESRATE|EXTTRIGGER|DMAIO|CONVERTDATA|EXTCLOCK|CONTINUOUS|BACKGROUND: 1075855439>
  3. InstaCal communicates successfully but not via python driver code. e.g. daq.debug_led() returns error incapable of blinking led. Appreciate any insight in troubleshooting the issue. Thank you.
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