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Posts posted by JerryM

  1. Ok I see. I am using 3.17.1. I am ssh'ing to the ADP3450 and running the script from there, I guess that was the version installed by default. I'll try to upgrade!

    digilent@ADPro:~$ apt list | grep digilent
    digilent.adept.bridge/now 0.7.0 armhf [installed,local]
    digilent.adept.runtime/now 2.26.1 armhf [installed,local]
    digilent.waveforms/now 3.17.1 armhf [installed,local]


  2. Hi @attila, thank you! I don't see FDwfAnalogInBuffersSet on the SDK documentation, is it documented somewhere else? Unfortunately, I get this error when I try to use it 

    File "/home/digilent/WaveForms-SDK-Getting-Started-PY/WF_SDK/scope.py", line 87, in open
        if dwf.FDwfAnalogInBuffersSet(hdwf, ctypes.c_int(n_acquisitions)) == 0:
      File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ctypes/__init__.py", line 369, in __getattr__
        func = self.__getitem__(name)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ctypes/__init__.py", line 374, in __getitem__
        func = self._FuncPtr((name_or_ordinal, self))
    AttributeError: /lib/libdwf.so: undefined symbol: FDwfAnalogInBuffersSet


  3. Hello, is there a way to acquire multiple triggers with the ADP3450? I am currently using it in Linux mode. When using it in "scope" mode, I would like to be able to start the acquisition, wait for the ADP3450 to acquire N triggers, and then read the entire data from the ADP3450. Looking at the SDK, I don't see an option for this. Looks like I can only acquire 1 trigger per acquisiton. Thank you!

  4. Hi @attila, thanks! I tried a few different subnets and none work. I also tried connecting to my local network with auto IP following the instructions here, and it still doesn't appear on the device manager. This is what is shown on PuTTY after I reboot from the device manager in Standard Boot:

    Running Standard Mode v03.42
    PL done
    QSPI: 01-60-18-FF-FF-FF
    AXI-DMA Setup
    Failed XAxiDma_CfgInitialize Out
    MAC: 00-18-3E-03-BF-40
    USB Connect 512B
    Start PHY autonegotiation
    Waiting for PHY to complete autonegotiation.
    autonegotiation complete
    link speed for phy address 15: 1000
    IP :
    Netmask :
    Gateway :

    So it looks like the ethernet link is there. From my computer, I am also able to successfully "ping". But still, I can't see the ethernet connection on the device manager:


  5. Thanks so much @attila and @malexander

    I have upgraded to AlmaLinux 9.2 and installed Adept Runtime 2.27.9 and Waveforms 3.20.1. This looks much better: I no longer have the error message above and was able to enable the ethernet interface as described here.

    The problem now is that Waveforms is not able to find the digitizer via Ethernet (I only see the USB one on the Device Manager). I followed the instructions linked above closely. The ADP3450 uses IP, mask, and the computer I set a static IP address, mask

    Are there any actions I can take to understand this? Thank you!

  6. Hello! I am trying to configure my ADP3450 to stream data via ethernet on Linux CentOS7. The latest version of Adept Runtime is not compatible with CentOS7 and had to fall back to these versions:

    Adept Runtime: 2.19.2

    Waveforms: 3.16.3

    I am able to use Waveforms with the ADP3450 connected via USB. While connected via USB, if I click on Settings->Device Manager->Network I get the following message:


    Could you please help me solve this issue? Thank you!


  7. Thanks so much @malexander! I was able to install the following versions on CentOS7:

    Adept Runtime: 2.19.2

    Waveforms: 3.16.3

    I am using an Analog Discovery Pro. 

    The problem now is that I am not able to connect to the ADP3450 via ethernet. If I open the Device Manager and then click on Network, I get the following error:



    I am able to establish an ethernet connection with my Mac. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!

  8. Hello! I am trying to install Waveform on Linux CentOS 7. After 

    sudo yum install ./digilent.adept.runtime-2.27.9.x86_64.rpm
    sudo yum install ./digilent.waveforms_3.19.5.x86_64.rpm

    I get

    -bash-4.2$ waveforms 
    waveforms: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by /usr/lib64/digilent/adept/libdpcomm.so.2)
    waveforms: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by /usr/lib64/digilent/adept/libdabs.so.2)

    Does anyone know how to fix it?

    Thank you!

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