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Posts posted by Lee-InSeong

  1. Hello

    I want to control the select signal in SPI.

    How can I do set the select signal in high state during sending the data.

    I want to make the select signal high state in the rest time.


    In first figure, it is the setting in my setup.

    The next one is the result of my result.


    But, I want to write my data like 'h0000, h0001, h0002, h0003' separately with little delay.

    How can I get the switching select signal like third figure. 

    I want to get when I send 'h0000', select signal's state low and then, little time state high.

    And then next sending 'h0001' select signal's state low and little time state high.


    I don't know well in analog discovery2.

    please help me..


    Thank you.





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