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Everything posted by lum

  1. HI Thank you for you feedback. I did not understand completely your answer. does it mean that rg[0] is the UART data acquired in DIO0 and rg[1] is the UART data acquired in DIO1? does analog discovery associate one element of the protocol.uart.receives() array to each DIO ?
  2. great tthanks for the feedback. I have seen this code in the available examples. HOwever, I think that this works only for 1 acquisition channel is correct? I actually need to acquire two channels and based on my understanding this is not possible to do with protocol. is that correct or am I wrong? If I am correct, this is the reason why I was thinking to use Logic not protocol. Any suggestion?
  3. HI, I would like to use analog discovery 2 to read the data from 2 arduino and plot the uart data acquired. I think the way to go is to use the logic1. I am trying to create a script in the software "Waveforms" which uses python. but I am not able to go through some errors. 1) do you know if there is already some examples available which does what i need? 2) at the moment I am trying to learn how to use the scripting process in AD2. I get an error when I run this line: var chname=Logic.Channels.channel.name what is the problem? i am expecting that this line should return then name of the channel but I get: Error in: "script_logic_uart" line: 8 TypeError: Result of expression 'Logic.Channels' [undefined] is not an object.
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