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Everything posted by Kam

  1. That did the trick! Perfect 😁 Data: b00000001, b00010100, b00010011, b10010000, ~Kam
  2. Interesting...when I select the 3 wire mode, I only see the "dummy data" of 0xff, not MISO Data: b11111111, b11111111, b11111111, b11111111, if I change my dummy data, the above follows that value...
  3. Hi Arthur, Thanks for the reply and answer! Yes, this meets the bill perfectly. Interesting that my version of Waveforms BETA (latest as of this writing), is a tad different then yours. I had to use DIO24/25/26/27. BTW, it looks like the default for DQ0 was 25 instead of 26. Also, without custom programming, can I remove the dummy value from the display? Data: b11111111 | b00000000, b11111111 | b11111100, b11111111 | b00010011, b11111111 | b11000000, the 0xff is the default dummy SPI value from the Micro SPI... it would be nice to get just the 4 8-bits Data: b00000000, b11111100, b00010011, b11000000, ALSO, funny enough, I've been using 0xDEADBEEF since the 80's when I starting in C and needed magic numbers...😁 thanks again, ~Kam
  4. Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well 😀 I just purchased the Digital Discovery, and am trying to capture SPI MOSI/MISO data. I'm using the Waveforms tool version 3.19.5 My spi bus baud rate on my micro (PIC32MZ) is set at 1mhz. Everything is working fine, and I can read the MISO data on the micro and everything looks great. I'm trying to learn the tool on a working setup, and I'm really having a difficult time just trying to acquire the SPI data in waveforms. I would like to do lets say a 30 second capture, my program on the micro calls the SPI device 2 times per second (2Hz), so that would be 60 SPI calls. I just cannot figure out how to configure waveforms to do this 😲 Also, one the few captures I was able to do, when I looked at the "data" windows of the SPI data, is there any way to only how me the MISO data, and not the "dead" frames? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. ~Kam
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