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  1. A colleague has point me at this other thread regarding technical deployment: Sharing SDK Application on Windows As in that thread, we are using Windows. So it sounds like the only option is the full WavForms install on each machine unfortunately.
  2. Hi @JColvin, Thank you for your reply and for confirming that the WaveForms license agreement will allow us to use WaveForms for our application. Can you advise on a good way to deploy WaveForms alongside our custom software please? For example is there a set of WaveForms files that we could distribute along with our software (e.g. DLLs), so that we don't have to download the WaveForms installer on each PC and run that? We won't need the full WaveForms software on each system: it's the WaveForms run-time engine that we are particularly interested in deploying.
  3. I have used WaveForms, and also its SDK (from LabVIEW) to check whether the Digital Discovery hardware is suitable for a task at work. It appears that the hardware would be suitable, but we would need to use our own custom software that calls the WaveForms SDK. We would need to deploy multiple systems within our company, where each system would comprise a Digital Discovery, a computer, and our custom software plus WaveForms SDK. Can someone from Digilent let us know if and how we could achieve this deployment in terms of packaging the required WaveForms components, and in terms of licensing related to WaveForms please? I think our ideal solution would be if the required WaveForms components were DLL(s) that could be included within our custom software, as that would remove the need to install additional software(s) on each of the proposed systems. I'm not sure if that is possible from a technical or licensing point of view. Currently we have only found the full WaveForms installer on your website, which is only accessible by entering an email address etc, so it might not be suitable for setting up multiple systems.
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