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  1. is there any way to (easily!!!) get to pins K19, D18, etc on my dev-board???? if so, then i can access the SPI FLASH directly (without intervention from the FPGA).... i can see this being complicated, however; but i thought i'd at least ask the questions.... somewhat related, is there external access to UART_TXD_IN and UART_RXD_OUT (pins J17 and J18)????
  2. once i indirectly program the SPI flash with my FPGA configuration via JTAG, is there a way to access the SPI flash directly???? i have some extra data i'd like to store in the flash (above the configuration), and want to erase/program unused sectors *without* have some logic on the FPGA do it for me....
  3. from another forum post, i checked the 'Load VCP' box on the 'Advanced' tab; this resulted in the device enumerating as COM port.... this change also seemed to help inside Adept: note that the JTAG HS is *not* connected to anything at this time.... speaking of, i plan to use this with a PYNQ-Z2 board.... questions: the PYNQ board has a 4-pin header accepting TMS-TDI-TDO-TCK; presumably i should connect GND and VCC to something???? is VCC really a "VREF" that needs to be connected to the board's VCC??? and is VCC 3.3V???? once i am connected, will i be able to load bitstreams to the PYNQ board???? in my setup, these bitstreams are actually implementations of a RISC-V MCU.... once the FPGA has been programmed, i then intend to use your JTAG HS2 together with OpenOCD to load C programs on the emulated MCU.... sound reasonable??? thanks for the quick response!!!!
  4. my new jtag hs2 into my windows 10 PC doesn't appear to enumerate in the device manager; i've similarly run the 'lsusb' under WSL2 and don't see your device.... my understanding is the jtag hs2 is based on FTDI.... i have many other FTDI-based USB devices, so i'm not missing a driver (or am i???) i've downloaded your Adept tool, but receive a failure when i launch it.... as you can see, it apparently recognizes that i have a 'JtagHs2' plugged in; but it apparently has trouble initializing it....
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