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  1. Hello, I do have a question to the sample rate of my DT9812 device. I want to record data at the maximum sample rate possible. For testing I have looped back analog ground to analog in channel 0. For data acquisition I use "Strip Chart" from the "QuickDataAcq" software. The internal clock frequency is set to 50kHz as shown in the image. When data is recorded it shows properly in the chart. The problem is, only 10 values per second are being recorded (information from exported excel file). Can you please help me improving my sample rate?
  2. Hello, I wanted to connect the DT9812 device via USB with my PC. Unfortunately, when the device is plugged in, I can't find it in the "InstaCal". In Windows Device Manager I can see it is plugged in (as unknown device). Windows does not automatically find any driver available. Do you know any solution to this? Thank you in advance.
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