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Marty Ryba

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Posts posted by Marty Ryba

  1. I found the answer in the README.md for the PetaLinux build blob https://github.com/Digilent/Petalinux-Cora-Z7-07S, which I initially had ignored since I'm using 2022.1


    The Cora Z7 does not have onboard non-volatile memory to store the MAC address in, so it must be set another way. A globally unique MAC is provided for each Cora Z7 on a sticker next to the Zynq-7000 chip. The system can be configured to use this address two ways: (1) by creating a file called uEnv.txt on the FAT partition of the microSD card that contains the following line (replacing x's with the MAC address):


    BUT, I get this error:

    U-Boot 2022.01 (Apr 04 2022 - 07:53:54 +0000)
    CPU:   Zynq 7z007s
    Silicon: v3.1
    DRAM:  ECC disabled 512 MiB
    Flash: 0 Bytes
    NAND:  0 MiB
    MMC:   mmc@e0100000: 0
    Loading Environment from FAT... *** Error - No Valid Environment Area found
    *** Warning - bad env area, using default environment
    In:    serial@e0000000
    Out:   serial@e0000000
    Err:   serial@e0000000
    ZYNQ GEM: e000b000, mdio bus e000b000, phyaddr -1, interface rgmii-id
    eth0: ethernet@e000b000
    Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
    switch to partitions #0, OK
    mmc0 is current device
    Scanning mmc 0:1...
    Found U-Boot script /boot.scr
    2776 bytes read in 13 ms (208 KiB/s)
    ## Executing script at 03000000
    Trying to load boot images from mmc0
    26 bytes read in 10 ms (2 KiB/s)
    Importing environment(uEnv.txt) from mmc0...
    ## Error: Can't overwrite "ethaddr"
    himport_r: can't insert "ethaddr=00:18:3E:04:2B:1C" into hash table


  2. Hi have a couple Cora boards I plan to have in a system together. I notice when they boot (same kernel image) they come up with the same Ethernet MAC address. Once the system is up I can temporarily change one using ifconfig, but that's not ideal. The Xilinx forum mentions that uboot gets the device part of the address from something in an I2C EEPROM, at least on some of their dev boards. Is there a process for doing similar to a Cora? The reference manual says something about a sticker, what am I supposed to do with that information? Do I have to create a different Petalinux build for each board (ugh!)?


  3. Hi, we are developing a project, and I thought the Cora-Z7-07S was the right solution, so we got 3. Now, as I'm building up the project, I hit a wall. Some of the GPIOs I need to control are 1.8V logic, not 3.3V. I thought I could just tweak the constraints and be done, but no, you can't mix the voltages on the same IO bank, and it appears all the interfaces (included the unloaded ones) are on 3.3V banks! Is there a similar small board that I should get instead, or do I need to start hacking in level shifting?


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