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  1. Dear @Anthocyanina, @JColvin, @attila! Thanks a lot for your kind help, very welcome. Obviously, some programming language is used here...which language is that? Is there a recommended reading to get familiar with the syntax? Best regards chat
  2. I would like to mathematically integrate a scope channel and display that on a math channel, but I cannot find the corresponding function. How can this be done? Thanks a lot
  3. Dear @JColvin, happy New Year and thanks for your reply. And apologies for my late reply. In fact, with the link to the other post and the online help I managed to get my script running as desired.😃 For now nor further help is needed. Again, thanks a lot! chat
  4. Hi, I process measured data from a few consecutive scope recordings in a small script (e.g. measured voltages at certain events). That works fine. Now I have the to idea to do quite some automated measurements and collect all relevant processed data in a single file. Could you explain (and maybe share an example) on how to write specific results (actually stored in variables) in a file? I think I need commands like fopen etc. Thanks for any support!
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