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  1. Dear attila, Thank you for your quick reply. I could make the wave form by your advice. Thank you so much.
  2. I want to make a 2 step damping sine wave as below. 1st step is the amplitude increses linearly from 0 to 1. 2nd step is the amplitude decreses linearly from 1 to 0. Can I make such a wave form by Waveforms application for Analog Discovery2? If can, please teach me how to make, please.
  3. By WavesForms SDK, I am writing a program as bellow. Language is Python. How can I code this function? Because I can not use trigger("trigsrcAnalogOut1"), recorded data of my code starts before the starting point of output sine wave. 1.AnalogIn(CH0) waits for AnalogOut(CH0) start trigger. 2.Just After AnalogOut(CH0) Start(100Hz/1V sine wave for 5 waves = 50ms), AnalogIn(CH0) starts data record. 3.AnalogIn(CH0) records data for 100ms. 4.AnalogIn(CH0) buffer size = 8192. 5.Recorded data should start at the biggining of 5 sine waves.(after 50ms recorded data should be zero) Attached charts are Taget waveform and waveform by my code.
  4. Dear attila, Thank you very much for further information. I will try the code you suggested tomorrow. Best regards.
  5. Dear attila Thank you very much for answering my question every time. Actually I hided this question after I posted, but you seemed to have found my question. Anyway. I checked the sample code "AnalogOut_Custom.py". I changed wave form from triangle to sine wave. Then I changed the frequency. In case the fast frequency, output wave form is from 0 degree to 360 degree. But for slower frequency, output wave form did not end at 360 degree. I checked the sample code, and finally I found the reason was the time length of "time.sleep(second)" function. When time length was short, wave form was quit by "dwf.FDwfAnalogOutReset(hdwf, channel)" function. After I changed the time length to long enough value, output wave became to finish at 360 degree. I appreciate your advice every time. Please help me next time too. Best regards.
  6. I am writing a code for Analog Discovery 2 in Python. I want to output just N times (for example one or two or fifteen etc.) sine waves from 0 degree to 360 degree. And I want to change frequency arbitually. I tried the API "dwf.FDwfAnalogOutRunSet()" but doesn't work(start is 0 degree, but finish is not 360 degree). See attached image. Does anyone teach me how to code?
  7. Dear JColin, Thank you very much for your reply. By your advice, I installed VS Code and testing Python sample codes one by one. Best regards.
  8. For Analog Discovery 2, until now I was using Waveforms script to make measuring program, now I want to develop measuring program by Waveforms SDK. So which language is recommended? (C, C#, python, vb) If I choose Python which IDE is recommended? For example Anaconda, Eclipse, or something. I prefer free IDE.
  9. Dear attila, Thank you very much to answer my question every time. I understood that the output impedance is ~0Ω up to 10mA. Now I can simulate our circuit. Best regards.
  10. How much is the output impedance of Analog Discovery 2 Arbitrary Waveform Generator? Because I want to calculate AD2's output voltage drop by load impedance.
  11. Hi attila, Thanks again. I will check your advice. Best regards.
  12. I made a script to measure frequency characteristic of target device by Waveforms. In that script I output a csv file of the characteristic. But if it possible, I want to plot a chart of the characteristic on Waveforms window. Is it possible or impossible? Please teach me.
  13. Hi attila I was surprised by your quick reply. I transfer your answer to the vender soon. (Unfortunately, I cannot write API. I can only write script. So I cannot test your advise for myself.) Thank you.
  14. My vendor is writing wave measuring system by AD2 API for our project. He said that the trigger setting does not work well compared to Waveforms application. Concretely, we want to start to get wave data at the beginning of the wave swing start point, but sometimes data getting starts before the swing start point. He says the Waveforms application does not fail as API. Can anyone teach me the certain triggering method?
  15. Dear attila Thank you very much for your quick response. I understood AD2 has just two (hardware) ranges. After your reply I discussed with the vender , then the problem was signal level itself. So the problem was solved. Thank you. Best regards.
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