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Everything posted by amd

  1. Hi @Ionel, first of all big thanks for this detailed description. I will look tomorrow into it. Just a short comment to your last sentence regarding PetaLinux. I considered using petaLinux, but the only tutorial and description I found are always to have a running linux system in the end, which is not my goal. In the very very end I want to have a u-boot system, which should run few instruction at boot time/after booting up: 1. load the bitstream "fpga.bit" via tftp server 2. run the the fpga.bit 3. load the kernel.img (self programmed) via tftp server 4. run kernel.img not more no less. This was actually some kind of workflow in University during the operating system course. If you have anything to add to this comment, I would be very glad. Otherwise thanks a lot: I was not even sure, if anyone would answer my question in the first place. Best Regards Ahmed
  2. Hi folks, since weeks I try to compile a u-boot version for the PYNQ-Z1 board. I want to work on some low-level programming for which I need a purely U-Boot systems (without a linux kernel or root file system). The u-boot system will load an image file and a bitstream file to run. I followed the steps on: https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/18841973/Build+U-Boot and the answer to a fellow OP When following the wiki I will have the problem of the missing config files for the pynq-z1 board. Following the answer in the posting lead to some issues during compilation with problems due to old openSSL version for the referred Repository Version 2018.3 of https://github.com/Xilinx/u-boot-xlnx . Fixing them (rightly or wrongly, not sure) will provide the u-boot files. However I am not sure which one of the filesI need to copy to my sd card, since I do not get any UART output, while trying. I would really appreciate some instructions for Where to get the config files for the PYNQ-Z1 board How to include them to the (current version) of https://github.com/Xilinx/u-boot-xlnx repository Which files I need to copy to my sd card. I appreciate every help. Best Ahmed
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