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Everything posted by Ronald

  1. Hello, I purchased an AD2 for a course and I was unable to get meaningful readings with it. I don't know if my issue is my PC causing problems or if the issue is my AD2. How can I troubleshoot this? My course TA was unable to figure out what was wrong. He observed me using it.
  2. If this device alone does not measure current, why am I not able to measure current with a standard multimeter? the alligator clips in the attached photo shows my multiple unsuccessful attempt to measure current (open the circuit, then connect the open leads to the +\- alligator clips connected to Ammeter/ground of multimeter and set the dial to the highest and progressively lowest setting to get a reading).
  3. Hello, I purchased the Analog Discovery 2 to complete an introductory course in circuit analysis. I have been able to measure all voltages with this device using a multimeter, but now my labs are requiring me to measure currents, which my external multimeter is not picking up. How do I use my Discovery 2 to do this? Photo attached. Please note **I am only asking how to use the Discovery 2 to measure a circuit component in series, not how to solve the problem.** Thank you, Ron
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