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David Aurora

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Everything posted by David Aurora

  1. Works like a dream! Thanks! I'll be using the absolute hell out of this
  2. Damn you're fast! Thanks for that! Just did a quick test and vertical cursors worked as expected, but for some reason I'm getting strange results on the horizontal (screenshot attached). Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? As you can see, the Y axis cursors correctly show roughly 30mA with a 10mA delta, but the X axis is showing 809V with a -230V delta when it's actually set to 200V/200V delta. At first I thought it was to do with the offset, but the Y axis is offset too and works fine. Plus the X axis number doesn't seem to make any sense with regard to the offset anyway (e.g. if I drag it to 500V it displays 458V, if I drag it to 50V it displays 980V, etc). Mouse pointer still displays correct values when I move it around so it seems to only be the cursor function mis-reading. Cursor can't be dragged lower than around 0.4 of a division either, the number keeps climbing if I try but the cursor stops there whereas on the Y axis I can drag all the way up/down the display This quirk aside though I'm stoked to be able to use cursors in XY now, thanks again
  3. You are the absolute best! Thanks so much!
  4. Whatever they're paying you, they should double it. Love your work, thanks heaps!
  5. As far as I can tell (and another forum question I found seems to back this up) there is no way to use cursors in XY mode. Is it likely this could be added in future or is it too hard/too niche? The bulk of my use of Waveforms is curve tracer measurements (connected to external hardware, not with the Digilent adaptor) that feed into an AD2. It'd be amazing to be able to measure between two points directly in XY rather than having to read that display and then find the same points in the scope view to make measurements Thanks! You guys are amazing, I love the work you do!
  6. Ahh, didn't realise there would be a difference between those windows. Will try as soon as I get a chance, thanks!
  7. Any tips on references for/where to learn the correct format for writing scripts for this? I actually couldn't get that last example to work for me (error references says "Can't find variable: Tool", and almost everything I've tried to write myself doesn't work (usual error is Syntax error: Parse error") πŸ˜‚ Not being a coder I don't intuitively know how to tell it to do what I need
  8. Quick question about how much tweakability the script section offers as the extent of my coding knowledge is pretty much just a few random microcontroller things I've used in projects, so this might take me a while to properly understand the scripting capabilities and learn to write them πŸ˜‚ How flexible is scripting for file naming? Right now for single curves I'm basically using the script above with Execute set to acquisition and it's great. I pull up the curve on the 576, single shot in Waveforms and my image/data is in the folder with ascending filenames that match the serial numbers of the components I'm testing. Some devices I'm testing have two elements and therefore two curves though, which throws off the naming. Basically what I'm hoping I could do is script it so that instead of filenames going up by one each time, they go up by one every two tests and add a suffix like A/B or whatever in between. So for example if I tested 2 x dual element devices (four captures total) the automatic file naming would spit out something like "1DUTA.png", "1DUTB.png", "2DUTA.png", "2DUTB.png". Could something like this be done in a script or is that not realistic? Thanks!
  9. Works like a charm, thanks again! I hadn't even thought to look at the scripting options available, this is a whole new world.
  10. I mainly use my AD2 in a setup with some custom hardware connected to a Tektronix 576 for digitising the display. At the moment I'm individually exporting the curves as both images and data, but I was hoping there might be a way to be able to do both at once? Is there any way to do this as is, or could this possibly be a future feature (e.g. instead of selecting export as data OR image, have checkboxes so you can select one, the other or both). That would save me two runs through the menu plus multiple file naming prompts per test when I'm plotting dozens of curvesπŸ˜‚ Also, if this is possible it would be cool if it defaults to the last way you did it, as right now it always wants to export the scope acquisition and I have to constantly set it back to XY on each export. Thanks! Still absolutely loving this system!
  11. It's working fine on my M1 MacBook Pro. I'm currently running a recent beta but I believe I previously just had the standard install on this machine. Likely just the "identified developers" thing mentioned above
  12. Nah, what I'm talking about isn't using those outputs for signal generation, that is straightforward and works great πŸ™‚ Using my Tek 7603 as an example again- it has a vertical out connection at the rear. This outputs whatever is at the input connector, with suitable scaling of course (I'm not with it to check right now, but I believe it's attenuated so that full scale of the CRT is 1V output, similar to outputs of things like my HP distortion analyser). In context of what I'm doing: I've built a circuit that I insert the DUT into, which goes into a x100 low noise amplifier, and then to the scope. I'm using it to select the lowest noise parts from batches. If I plug into the AD2 I can see the signal, no problem. But if I plug into the 7603 I can then plug it's vertical output connection into an amplifier and also listen to the noise I'm seeing on the screen simultaneously.
  13. 1. Amazing, thanks! Will give it a try tomorrow 2. Thanks, not quite what I'm trying to do though. What I was hoping (though I doubt it's possible on the AD2, only one out of my pile of scopes does this) is to essentially have the signal feed through from the scope inputs to the outputs so it can simultaneously be viewed in Waveforms and monitored audibly. I can always split the input off to an amp at the front end, was just hoping it might be possible to even connect a pair of headphones to the AD2 audio output for an all in one solution, the test rig I've built for this purpose is getting kind of large at this point so if I can avoid yet another box that'd be great πŸ˜‚
  14. OK, as I said in the title I totally realise these are niche functions and promise I won't cry if neither are possible πŸ˜‚ But... 1. Is there any way to do a single sweep capture with the scope? Like say I want to capture 1 second of whatever happens, once, and that's all. I know I can throw it in roll mode and then hit stop at some point, but for the task at hand I'm kind of hoping to just press run and then have one sweep of data saved. 2. Is there any way to set up the AD2 to output the vertical channels though the audio/AWG outputs live for monitoring? I'm guessing this is a very long shot haha, but figured I may as well ask. I use something similar on one of my Tektronix scopes a bit, basically it has a vertical out that is fed by whatever your trigger source is, which I'll often feed to an external frequency counter or an audio amp or whatever else would help with the task at hand. Basically what I'm doing here are some noise measurements on devices which need to be tested individually and have their measurements saved, so I'm trying to reduce excess data and just capture a fixed period. And on top of that, if I can hear the noise I'm measuring through an external amp while testing that's even better. Thanks!
  15. That’s amazing, thanks! Is the beta fairly stable at this point (I’m on OSX) or best to wait? Everything is running smooth right now so I don’t want to rock the boat 😬
  16. Just wondering if there is a way to set output using units like VRMS or dBu, or if this could be added to the next release? I got an AD2 a while back for a super specific purpose/project, but now that I've got it I find myself wanting to use it more on my test bench as I really like the software overall and sometimes don't feel like setting up 3 different physical instruments for a simple task. The Wavegen is the sticking point for me though given that I work in audio land, it's really clunky setting levels in terms of peak amplitude rather than RMS voltages or decibels etc. Maybe it's in there, but I can't find a way to do it and whipping out a calculator every time I want to put out a specific level isn't overly appealing so I always wind up going back to hardware signal generators instead. Other than this one gripe I'm still blown away how much I dig this thing, I had tried some other USB test instrument products and hated them so much, but overall I find Waveforms just as nice to work on as the hardware on my bench, so thanks!
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