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Everything posted by Anthocyanina

  1. so! there's what looks like an AD3 render on twitter and it says it's coming out in 2 weeks, but, will any information be available before that? price? will reviewers like signal path and eevblog be sent one to review? i'm very interested, particularly if things like sample memory and waveform update rate have been improved, perhaps voltage ranges too? something? would be really good to see it in action to be able to make an informed decision whenever funds enough to get one are available :P
  2. there is a connection diagram this shows how to connect it, 1+ and 2+ are the scope channels, w1 is the generator output, and you see 1-, 2- (the negative of the scope channels) and ground are tied together
  3. The AD2 has different modes which come with different amounts of memory allocated for each function. I don't know how to do that in the SDK, but on waveforms, to get the 16k points for the scope, you need to pick the second mode as shown in this picture About the second question, i don't know, but about the third, the AD2 unfortunately doesn't support alternate trigger, which is what you are describing
  4. I only have an AD2, and my experience with it, and the support on the forum (including your team listening to user suggestions, which I don't know of any other company that does this, much less as fast as it's been here), has been absolutely amazing, and that has led me to consider Digilent's products for the future, but there are a few things which make the pro series hard to justify, so i'll comment about the last 2 questions What sampling rate and analog bandwidth do you typically need for your current and future measurements? (Open Text) The bandwidth of the pro series currently offered is really ok, the sampling rate however could be higher. for a 14 bit oscilloscope, of course faster AD converters would of course be significantly more expensive, but a 200MSPS sampling rate would be a good match for the 55MHz bandwidth. What features or improvements would you like to see in future products? (Open Text) A big thing would be more voltage ranges than the current two. It being 14 bit makes it liveable, but it would be a really good improvement if more ranges were added, and in that form factor, I would think it wouldn't be impossible to accomplish. I don't know about the acquisition rate of the pro series, but the AD2 seems to be about a few dozen waveforms per second. If the pro series is in that ballpark, it would also be a very welcome improvement if it could do at least a few hundred waveforms per second, and perhaps if this was accompanied with intensity graded display, it would make for some nice qol improvements, as it would allow us to find rare events more quickly and without having to resort to the persistence view. This, again, from having no experience with the pro series, so I don't know if it already works this way, but from video reviews i've seen, it doesn't. Buffer size, while 16k points in the AD2 are still useful, and so 32k in the pro series would as well, having at leat 1M points for repeated acquisition would be really good as it would allow for a faster sample rate at slower time bases, and some times that is really important. I use my AD2 for most of what i do, but there are cases in which i have to use one of my bench scopes because of the buffer size(or when i need more bandwidth), so having one of Digilent's instruments with a larger amount of memory, with how incredibly good the waveforms software is, it would, at least in my case, result in me pretty much never again needing my bench scopes. Input impedance would also be a nice qol improvement, if it had a switchable 50 ohm/1Meg input impedance, but this isn't super critical, at least for my uses, just something that would be really nice to have, and i think would make sense under the "pro" label :)
  5. i'm so blind! i skipped over that setting each time i was trying to figure this out. that works perfectly, thank you!
  6. hi! @attila no, that's the closest to what i want that i can currently see how to do on waveforms. What i would like is to be able to also make that "+1" term, that appears in the amplitude modulation equation, variable, where we could have Ac[1+u cos(2*pi*fm*t)]*cos(2*pi*fc*t) such that not only allowed us to edit Ac, u, fm,fc (with Ac being the carrier amplitude, u being the modulation index, fm, and fc being the modulation and carrier frequencies respectively), but also allowed us to change that first constant "1" treating it now like a user selectable variable. In this video is shown what i want to do but don't see how i can on waveforms, and when b is equal to 0, we get the waveform i want to produce, and essentially, if we make A1, and u equal to 1, and b equal to cero, what we get is just cos(2*pi*fm*t)*cos(2*pi*fc*t), or for an arbitrary carrier, cos(2*pi*fm*t)*arb(2*pi*fc*t) to summarize, I would like to know if there's a way to either make all parameters of the amplitude modulation variable, or if there's a way to multiply any waveform of any frequency by any other waveform of any other frequency, or if this could be added. Thank you!
  7. Hi, So I'm trying to get the following waveform using amplitude modulation(the green one), Is the amplitude modulation equation used on waveforms the same as this one? s(t)= \left [ A_c+A_m\cos\left ( 2\pi f_mt \right ) \right ]\cos \left ( 2\pi f_ct \right ) as it is now, it seems(if using the same equation as above) that it is assumed that a, as shown in the desmos graph in red, is always assumed to be 1 and can't be changed. The modulated waveform i want to get is an arbitrary carrier being modulated by a sinusoid. Essentially i want to invert the carrier periodically and do so smoothly by sinusoidally changing its amplitude from 1x to -1x, so it would be like the purple equation, just multiply my arbitrary carrier by a sinusoid of any frequency i might need. I have tried doing this by getting the arbitrary data and multiplying it by the sinusoid on libreoffice calc, but for it to be low enough frequency for my purpose, i need to repeat the arbitrary points hundreds of times, so it doesn't fit in the wavegen memory. I tried doing it with the alter menu in the wave generator, but there is no way to tell it to fit the arbitrary waveform hundreds of times "under" the slow sinusoid, or not that i can find. I would like to know if there is currently a way to do this kind of modulation on waveforms, or if it would be possible to add an "a" setting to be able to achieve it in the way i do it on desmos. Thank you! (it seems the forum doesn't display TeX? at least not in the preview! 🙈)
  8. Thanks, that looks so cool now! 😄 Desktop 2023.03.17 -
  9. thanks, @JColvin @attila i'm going to try tomorrow on a vm or a fresh install and see if that changes anything :)
  10. Hi! evry time I download waveforms for windows, on a windows os, it takes 10 times more than on a linux system, and i have no idea why. Just now, downloading the latest beta, it was downloading so slow it claimed over 20 minutes ETA, i logged in on a linux system and with wget i was able to download it in about a minute. This happens every time, I've also tried on a different windows machine ( they are all connected to the same network) and on the same machine but on linux, and it's the windows downloads which take the most. Sometimes after a couple of minutes, the download speed normalizes and goes fast, but other times it takes way too long. On linux there's never been this problem, any idea why this might be? Thank you.
  11. thanks! I think it would be good to have the option to add variable persistence, to keep the drawn points on the screen for a user selectable amount of time. And I also thought of something else for the XY mode, that again, i'm not sure if it's already implemented, but it would be really nice to have an option to snap the XY window into a square shape and an option to freely resize it horizontally as it works now. Hopefully this gets considered for a future update :) thanks again!
  12. @attila Thank you! I had not noticed that menu, is there a setting to tell it how much time to keep in the display? or does it infinitely accumulate the points and display them? thanks again, it works quite nicely :)
  13. Hi, i'm wondering if it's possible to enable persistence for XY mode. I've been doing some scope art things, and the AD2 has been great at showing them, but with longer waveforms, using the 2k memory for scope and 16k memory for wavegen, XY display becomes quite hard to get showing all the complexity of the drawing since parts of the waveform acquired by the scope are pushed out of memory too quickly. I see there is a persistence view, but it seems to only work for the normal time vs amplitude scope view, is there a persistence mode for XY as well? Thank you!
  14. That's the noise band, you can disable it by unticking the noise box in the channel settings. It is useful to have it on as it will show there can be some higher frequency content there
  15. oh wow, awesome that you got to use all of the FPGA in it. look forward to hearing about the implementation of this for other devices, thanks!
  16. While it is rare, sometimes i'm looking at signals that aren't time related but have other parameters that are, like their amplitude for example, I find myself either changing the trigger source between channel 1 and 2 to observe them in detail, or using two oscilloscopes. While I don't know how the trigger system is implemented in the AD2, knowing that older digital oscilloscopes, and recent cheap oscilloscopes (like the owon vds 1022i) do have an ALT trigger mode, makes me wonder if it would be possible to implement that in the AD2. Hopefully this is considered, and able to be implemented, as this would make those sporadic tasks much easier to perform, and the added functionality would make the AD2 an even better tool. Thank you!
  17. Hi @attila thank you. this is what I'm using to get the derivative: To get the same as you did, I had to acquire the samples at 800Khz, then stop acquisition, and zoom in the timebase to 200µs/div. It looks the same, the only difference being the math scale. But during live acquisition, it is like how i showed in the first picture. Is that the expected behaviour? Thank you.
  18. Was testing the integral and differential math operations, from custom math channels that were shared on the forum before, and I find that they require very large scales, and the derivative is also very noisy, and the bits are too large, and the integral requires an offset, a very large one. Any idea why this behaviour? thank you.
  19. Hi! I recently got a Basys 3 board, and well, the cardboard box doesn't seem very durable for constantly storing and taking out the board from it, so I want to make a 3d printed shell for the board that also serves as its storage box. I looked for 3d models and found it here https://b2b.partcommunity.com/3d-cad-models/sso/basys3-diligent?info=digilent%2Fbasys3.prj&cwid=6559 When trying to download it tho, i get this box and no download is initiated, even after i fill that. When i fill that and click go to external website, it just takes me to Digilent's Basys 3 site. Does anyone know how to download parts from that site? or where else i can find the Basys 3 and other Digilent boards? Thank you! Edit: after more unsuccessful attempts to get it from there, i scrolled down in Digilent's refence site for the board, and while the 3d model isn't listed under the design resources, the stp file is available at the bottom of the page
  20. Thank you @artvvb! being completely new to FPGA it took me a while to figure out how to do it, so I'll leave it here in case anyone else ever wonders about this while following the tutorial for the first time. module blink( input clk, output led, output reg [3:0] an //added the anodes as outputs ); reg [24:0] count = 0; assign led = count[24]; assign an =4'b1111; //assigned the anode outputs as high always @ (posedge(clk)) count <= count + 1; endmodule
  21. Hi! so, today my Basys3 board arrived, and i uploaded the blink bitstream generated from following the tutorial, and I notice the 7 segment display is lighting up dimly. The display is not used in the blink verilog code, so I am wondering why it is lighting up. If i don't upload the bitstream, everything is completely off, and when running the default configuration it comes with out of the box, the segments properly light up as they count up. Any idea what might be happening? Thank you!
  22. great, thank you! I only plan to use the basys 3 in the forseeable future, so I'll remove that folder :)
  23. thank you! @JColvin is it safe to delete the entire versal folder? in my case it's 4GB. Thanks!
  24. Thank you all for your replies, I realised I had not uncommented the first get_ports clk line in the xdc file and now it generates the bitstream! About the board being installed warning, when i create a new project, this is what i see when selecting the board, is this correct? I didn't install vitis since i didn't have enough space and only plan to do hardware designs for now, does this have anything to do with the warning? Thank you!
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