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Jack Neilson

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  1. Hi Fausto, To clarify, the problem I'm having is not with instacal but the instacal installer. I've re-downloaded the installer and tried to run as administrator but get the same error. I've disabled driver signature verification and verified that .NET Framework v3.5 is installed but the error persists (screenshots below). The problem also persists when running in compatibility mode (Windows 10). Apologies for the poor resolution. Kind regards, Jack Neilson
  2. Hello, As the title suggests, I am trying to install InstaCal v6.73 on a Windows 11 machine. When attempting to run I get the error "This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher", with no other diagnostic information. I have attempted running as administrator and in compatibility mode which seems to have no effect.
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