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Everything posted by vasilistheodo

  1. My goal is to be able to give the values of clocks and sampling frequency as inputs from the clocking wizard (so that later on i can set these values through vitis). My problem here is that zmodscopeController has a gui parameter Sampling clock period (expressed in ps) and an input pin "ADC_SamplingClk". Do these two parameters need to have the same value? I think that the parameter that decides the sampling frequency of ADC_Scope is the one i give as input. Thanks in advance for any help
  2. My design in vivado is shown in the picture. I have chosen the ADC Sampling clock to be 10^5 ps -> 10MHz , so in the clocking wizard the clocks that i have initiated are SysClk:100MHz ,Fsadc_dac: 10MHz ,ADC_InClock: 40 Mhz, DAC_Clk: 10MHz , phase:90 degrees (values of the clocks are based on the documentation) . I also have added the zynq processor. The calibration of zmod awg and scope is external and i give gpio registers as inputs. The zmod scope is high gain and the zmod awg is low gain. The bitstream is generated correctly so i made the vitis application in order to read from the eeprom the user and processed calibration coefficients and then input them to the awg and scope via the gpio registers . I have also calculated on hand the processed coefficients out of the factory calibration coeffs (documentation gives specific functions for this calculation) and the results i get from vitis are the same (the processed calibration coefficients are the correct ones) . My problem now is that even though my results for the calibration coefficients are confirmed by vitis , when i give a sine wave from the waveform generator in channel 2 of the scope the output from channel 2 of the awg isn't the same as we would expect it to be. There is an offset as you can see in the photo below. Are there any ideas for solving this problem?
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