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Everything posted by JRys

  1. The USB-CTR08 has four timer outputs that can generate pulse signals. They are independent of the eight counter channels, each with an input, gate, and output. The counter inputs use a 47k ohm pull-down resistor. Add a 10k ohm pull-up resistor to the open collector signals. I'm not sure what you're asking about the other signals. Do you want to know if you can measure frequencies while outputting a PWM signal?
  2. Please have a look at the Mathworks page for measurement computing devices. https://www.mathworks.com/hardware-support/measurement-computing.html There is a note that says the digital IO subsystem is not supported.
  3. Please connect a 10k ohm resistor across the output and set it to 10 volts. If the channel is in working order, there should be 10 volts at the output. If it's genuinely putting out only 0.03mA, you'll get less than half of the volt. It can be repaired if need be. Let me know...
  4. I'm getting different results. What version of Waveforms do you have, and is it on Linux, Windows 10, or 11?
  5. Please let me know if you have installed the Data Translation DAQ Adapter support. If you have not, please review the User Guide installation instructions on the following page: https://digilent.com/reference/software/matlab/data-translation/start. After the support has been added, examples can be found in C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB Add-Ons\Toolboxes\Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Data Translation Hardware\examples
  6. The USB-1608GX is a multiplexed device, which means there is a single A/D converter for all the channels. The channels you specify are selected one by one for the A/D measurement. Divide 500 kHz by the number of specified channels to figure the maximum sample rate. There is no difference between differential and single-ended inputs when figuring sample rates. However, a differential input is better for noise and common mode voltage rejection. Noise tends to be on both wires, which is removed by a differential input. If you have a small ground loop between channels, it appears as a common mode voltage, which again is removed by the input.
  7. Please don't copy files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Measurement Computing\DAQ\ to other folders. The files that should be in your project are cbw.h and cbw64.lib for a 64-bit build. I have attached a 32-bit console program as an example to show how to discover the USB-201 without using InstaCal. If you wish to execute it, create a Win32 Console Application project, add cbw.h and cbw32.lib to the project as well as the attached example, and then build and run. Let me know if you run into problems. program.cpp
  8. You can get 37-pin cables from L-COM. Here's an example of a 2.5 ft female cable. https://www.l-com.com/d-sub-reversible-hardware-molded-d-sub-cable-db37-female-female-25-ft
  9. In DAQami, the first four channels are the voltage inputs V0...V3 and the next four are T0...T3. DAQami AI0 is V0H, V0L, and AIO4 is T0H, T0L. Use InstaCal first to configure the temperature channels, such as thermistor, RTD, thermocouple, etc. Thermocouples are straightforward to connect; however, the other sensor types require special wiring. InstaCal has a Show Connections button that will display a wiring diagram to make it easy.
  10. Cad files for the Ettus B200 are available in the Ettus Knowledgebase: https://kb.ettus.com/B200/B210/B200mini/B205mini#B200_3
  11. Generating an AM signal is simple. Start with a new workspace. Add a Wavegen instrument and configure it for Modulation, as shown. Set the Carrier frequency to 1 MHz. Turn off the FM channel. Configure the AM channel to be a Triangle wave at 10 kHz, as shown. Demodulation can be done with a lock-in amplifier. Add a Scope instrument and enable Scope-1. Physically connect Scope-1 to the Wavegen channel in a loopback fashion. Start both the Wavegen Channel and the Scope. To demodulate the AM signal, add a Lock-In amplifier and configure it, as shown. Next, add a second Math channel; select Simple instead of the Lock-In amplifier. Set the channel on the Simple math channel to M1. Set the operation to AC, and it will extract the AC signal from the first Math channel. The 10 kHz triangle wave is extracted from the 1 MHz Carrier wave using the Lock-In amplifier and a Simple AC math channel. Much more information can be found in the Waveforms Help.
  12. I'm sorry, but I'm unfamiliar with the D8400. Are you sure you have the right company?
  13. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by terminal number. Could you elaborate and include the device and software you are using?
  14. DAQami cannot redirect the value from an analog input to an output. Instead, consider the DASYLab software, which can. If you have C or Python programming skills, you could do it using our Universal Library API. LabVIEW is another possibility.
  15. I'm sorry, but I can't reproduce the problem based on your information.
  16. I forgot about the E-DIO24. Yes, it should work because, like the USB-DIO32HS, it supports the DConfigBit function.
  17. The Personal DaqView file converter requires a *.dsc file and a *.bin file. They should also check the location where the *.bin file is stored to ensure there is a *.dsc file. For example, if the data file is data.bin, there should also be data.dsc file.
  18. I think it should work. However, the USB-2416 digital output works like a switch. So, connect the (+) relay control to +V (external power supply) and the relay control (-) to the digital output. Connect the +V ground to the USB-2416 ground. When the output is set low, the current will flow from +V to the ground through the output. The user manual, page 18, shows the output transistor configuration. It is nothing more than a MOSFET transistor configured as an open drain.
  19. You can only loop from one port to another on the USB-1024LS for a loopback. The DConfigPort function resets the port, preventing you from switching directions to detect a condition. On the other hand, devices that support the DConfigBit function can set one bit as input and the other as output on the same port—for example, the USB-DIO32HS. You could also add a second USB-1024LS. Then, one could be your inputs and the outputs.
  20. Use OptionFlags.NOCALIBRATEDATA | OptionFlags.NOSCALEDATA to get numbers like: 51305.0 51293.0 51292.0 51332.0 51335.0 51338.0 Your formula for converting back to volts looks correct.
  21. They cannot use the Personal DaqView software because it was solely for the IOtech PersonalDaq/54, 55, and 56. It will not work with the OMB-DAQ-2416 (USB-2416). Instead, they can use the DAQami software. https://files.digilent.com/downloads/DAQami/daqamisetup.exe. The following is the free public activation key: ALYGP-Q889C-TY5X6-MZFWM-75LLG
  22. I'm sorry, but there is no support for the external clock input.
  23. The single-value read command, such as MEAS:VOLT? (@0,1,7), initiates a new measurement every time.
  24. The USB-1208LS has a maximum scan rate of 1200 S/s when using a single channel. You can test it using our DAQami program. If you need more help, please explain what you are doing.
  25. If you are programming in Python, the function is c_in_scan, and one of the terms is scan rate. Let's say you program it to read a totalizing (counting) counter input with a 1000 hz square wave as the input signal. If the scan rate is set to 100, the data returned will be 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. If, instead, you were to use a polling function like c_in_32 and call this function within a loop, then you might get values like 9, 21, 30, 99, 41, etc. because the loop timing is not precise.
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