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  1. Well, I worked out just now. I just set the sys_clk to 100MHz, and connect the pmod interface ja(3 to 4) to scl, sda. I am using ArtyA7-100T, I am not sure why picking up 100 MHz as the internal clock frequency of board is 450MHz. I get the 14 bit data from hum and tem registers. The VHDL source file is from digikey as is the last post.
  2. Do you mind sharing the Pmod HYGRO VHDL driver file? I am trying to read the data via UART protocol, it seems that I cannot identify if the sensor is working or not. I am not using Vivado IP now, the project is based on vhdl files. There is another vhdl source provided by Scott. It does not help me so far. https://forum.digikey.com/t/humidity-and-temperature-sensor-pmod-controller-vhdl/13064
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