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Posts posted by Fonso

  1. Hello Digilent/Atila,

    today not a question. Instead one idea/suggestion what you could perhaps implement/improve in your waveform software:

    At the channel-select-part (at every place in the waveform software) would be fine this (additional color display):


    ==> When there are colors so is it possible fast to select the channel fast intuitive by color with which the probe is marked


    Additonal would it be also a fine thing to have also colors at the wave-generator, e.g. in the following way:


    Also this help to select/understand intuitve channes when anybody mark also the wavegen-wiring:1175412142_20220226_152414(Benutzerdefiniert).thumb.jpg.2d39057f60d6178b6794d428e6fd88ba.jpg


    For all other channels (like e.g. external triggering) would this (the colors) also a fine thing

    Best regards



    20220226_152414 (Benutzerdefiniert).jpg

  2. Hello Attila,

    thanks for the answer :-)
    Would be great when this feature would be avaiable in any future.
    This would be the killer feature!!!

    I am aware that this for the osziloscope is perhaps not so useful and can make perhaps runtime-problems at complicate expressions (keyword: realtime)

    Would be also useful (perhaps more useful) to see this feature in the logger (e.g. for providing of "post-analyzing"-feature from captured data that you can search/find/step-over recorded "events")

    The implementation is of course technical not easy (I made itself in my tools, I did use the GE-syntax). But the user-interface is simple (you provide only an text-field at which the user can insert an complex trigger-definitin as "expression"-string written in the GE-yntax)

    Best regards

  3. Hello Forum :-)

    I will first wish all a happy new year :-)

    One question is it possible to set really complex-trigger-scenarios in waveform at osciloscope?

    E.g. trigger fire when:
    Ch1 <= 20 and Ch2 == 10

    E.g. trigger fire when:
    RisingEdge(Ch1, 20) OR FallingEdge(Ch2, 2)

    E.g. trigger fire when:
    (Ch1 + 3) == 8

    E.g. trigger fire when:
    (Ch1 + 3) == SQRT(Ch2)

    E.g. trigger fire when:
    (Ch1 + Ch2) == (Ch3+ 10)

    E.g. trigger fire when:
    (Ch1 / Ch2) <= (Ch3 + Abs(Ch4))

    ...such things (in any compexity, combinations and deepnees)

    I work in my company at HIL-Testing ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware-in-the-loop_simulation )

    For complex trigger-definitions use dSPACE-Tools ( https://www.dspace.com/en/inc/home.cfm ) and I itself in my own software-implementations the GE-Syntax which is really good for definition of flexible and complex trigger-definitions

    https://www.asam.net/active-projects/resources/ (view there: ASAM Expression v1.0.1 )


    REMARK: This is perhaps an similar question (and wish) like here:

    Best regards

  4. Hello :-),

    sorry for my late answer.

    Thank you very much for your answer.

    Few remarks / suggestions:

    I did search that what I qust here also in different documentation:

    But I did not found at any place an remark to the questions which I had

    Perhaps would be a good idea to write a small introduction about:

    • Advantages/disadvantages USB vs Ethernet in general
    • When is better to use what
    • Remaks to safety (that what I have quested)

    Best regards


  5. Hello Forum,

    I am new and this is my first post here.

    Since a few days I am the owner of an ADP3450 :-)

    I learnt in the past electrotechnics/informatic but in the last 20 years I was ONLY in the informatic-field activ and my electronic-knowledge is therefore very "rusty".

    I will (with help of ADP3450) improve my electronic-knowledge in the next time.

    Therefore a question to the ADP3450 usage (so that I don't destroy the device/PC)
    When the ADP3450 is connected by USB with the PC so is my first thinking which measurements are then without danger for the ADP3450/PC possible?
    I think in general is also for the ADP3450 valid what this guy say:

    Therefore it should be NOT an danger for the ADP3450/PC when I make measurements at an circuit (e.g. astable multivibrator) which get the power from a battery with 9V because normally no current "cross flow" between the measurement-device and the PC can happen. The danger for a ADP3450/PC/human can be given when the to measure circuit is also connected (e.g. for powering) per USB to the PC or when the circuit is powered by "grounded line voltage". In this cases can current "cross flow" between the measurement-device and the PC over the mass (and in this cases is to use an galvanic isolation that the danger is eliminated) ==> I think all this understandings are correct.



    - I believe that I read at any place (I do me not remeber where) that the USB-Port at the ADP3450 is NOT galvanically separated (therefore possible danger for the Device / PC) but that the ethernet-connector IS galvanically separated. Is this information correct? When yes than should be always preferd the ethernet-connection between the ADP3450 and the PC when possible, right?

    So this was my first question. Hope my english language is understandable :-D  (I am german)

    Best regards

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