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Everything posted by tatheuss

  1. Hey attila, thanks for the reply! The thing is, I cant just create a pulse because I want the pulse lenght to vary within the same signal. And I did see the custom examples, but I just dont understand how they put the bits to create the signal they wished for. I hope you can help me with that.
  2. Hello, I have another question. The problem this time is, that I dont fully understand how to create custom data array for custom signals with the pattern generator in my custom application. There is a little chart in the waveformsdk manual, where they specify the bits and so on. I don't know where to set the bits to actually get the signal that I want. My goal is to create a signal that starts high, goes immediately to low, stays low for 10 microseconds, switches to high and stays there for 26 microseconds. I hope you can help me out!
  3. Hello guys, I am trying to make a custom application, in which I will be generating signals with the digital discovery. Now, I know that I have to activate the Pattern generator instrument and create a pulse (for example). I wrote everything that the manual told me is important, and I've asked the DD ( with the *get functions) if its running. The DD tells me that it created the signal and that its running, but I can't see any signal with my oscilloscope. Do I have to enable the analog out channels so that I will be able to create the signals? Sorry if its stupid, I am kind of a newbie in porgramming and with th Digital Discovery.
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