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Posts posted by tsarquis

  1. Okay, I've taken a look at the AD registers map and some thing are now clearer, and some others are not :unsure:

    What's the point in working only with this two Fs?
    Personally, I need to choose one specific Fs, let's say, 20 MHz, for aplying undersampling, and this scheme seems very unflexible...

    Suppose that I choose to work with the 125 MHz Fs: the IP core will still be refreshing the output data at 100 MHz.
    In that case, I do have to change the sysClk from 100 to 125 MHz? I should also change the adcClk and/or the AD clock divisor value to get a result of 125 MHz?


  2. I'm trying to understand how to choose the input clock frequencies of the Zmod ADC 1410 Low Level Controller IP. The IP has two input clocks: the system clock and the ADC clock. According to the controller guide, the prior has to be 100 MHz and the second one 400 MHz, and there is not any much discussion about that.

    So, like this, I would sample two analog input signals at 200 MSPS each one. The guide also says that the 16 bit output channel is  synchronous with SysClk (100 MHZ).

    If I'm sampling at 200 MHz, why is the output channel refreshed at 100 MHz? I know the IP has some FIFOs but, wouldn't they fill and start to lose data? Right now it has no sense to me :mellow:

    How can I change the sampling frequency? Whenever I change one of the two clock frequencies, the ADC starts to behave in a not proper way, even if I configure the clocks to 10/40 MHz.

    I think my doubts have to do with my missunderstanding of the AD9648 SYNC signal, which is used for ¿dividing the ADC clock and sample at 400/X MHZ? (X=1,...,8)


  3. Hello @summer.

    On 11/11/2020 at 9:03 AM, summer said:

    the last 2 bits were unimportant, solved thanks

    Did you confirm that? I'm starting to think the same but yet I couldn't find any official word about that.
    In my (short) experience, those two LSB are always down except when I put some analog out-of-the-range input value. 

  4. Hello @zygot, thank you for your reply.

    I got your point about "posting the code and hoping someone to fix it", but I did it because I may have some bad connections and this is one way of show you how the connections are made (maybe a diagram would be better?).

    The purpose of the design is quite simple: digitalize some AC signals and then process them.

    I didn't think about the testbench thing before now... but, ¿how could I simulate the IP behaviour without synthetizing and using the "real" ADC? 
    I should simulate all the internal signals and responses? That sounds pretty complex...

  5. I'm trying to get the ADC1410 to work in the Eclypse Z7 FPGA board with a verilog-pure program, making use of the IP Core provided by Digilent (ZmodADC1410_Controller_0).
    Up to now, I'am reading trash data from the IP output, so I suppose I've made a mistake in the connections or in the data acquisition or something else.
    I've not seen any example of a verilog instantiation of the IP, so please let me know if there's any out there.

    For making the connections, I've followed the schematic in the reference manual.

    I'm posting my top level design and I'm also attaching the constraint I've used:

    `timescale 1ns / 1ps
    module top
        input   i_reset,            /* onboard button   */
        input   i_clock,            /* 125 MHz onboard  */
        output  o_tx,               /* uart output      */
        output  syzygy_d_n_0,       /* sc1_ac_l         */
        output  syzygy_d_p_0,       /* sc1_ac_h         */
        output  syzygy_d_n_1,       /* sc2_ac_l         */
        output  syzygy_d_p_1,       /* sc2_ac_h         */
        output  syzygy_d_n_2,       /* sclk_sc          */
        inout   syzygy_d_p_2,       /* sdio_sc          */
        output  syzygy_d_n_3,       /* sc2_gain_l       */
        output  syzygy_d_p_3,       /* sc2_gain_h       */
        input   syzygy_d_n_4,       /* data 2           */
        input   syzygy_d_p_4,       /* data 9           */
        output  syzygy_d_n_5,       /* sc1_gain_l       */
        output  syzygy_d_p_5,       /* sc1_gain_h       */
        input   syzygy_d_n_6,       /* data 4           */
        input   syzygy_d_p_6,       /* data 3           */
        output  syzygy_d_n_7,       /* com_sc_l         */
        output  syzygy_d_p_7,       /* com_sc_h         */
        input   syzygy_s_16,        /* data 5           */
        input   syzygy_s_17,        /* data 8           */
        input   syzygy_s_18,        /* data 6           */
        input   syzygy_s_19,        /* data 10          */
        input   syzygy_s_20,        /* data 7           */
        input   syzygy_s_21,        /* data 11          */
        input   syzygy_s_22,        /* data 1           */
        input   syzygy_s_23,        /* data 12          */
        input   syzygy_s_24,        /* data 0           */
        input   syzygy_s_25,        /* data 13          */
        output  syzygy_s_26,        /* cs_sc1n          */
        output  syzygy_s_27,        /* sync_adc         */
        output  syzygy_c2p_clk_n,   /* adc clock in n   */
        output  syzygy_c2p_clk_p,   /* adc clock in p   */
        input   syzygy_p2c_clk_p,   /* clkout adc       */
        output  syzygy_p2c_clk_n    /* GND              */
        /* System */
        wire            clock;
        wire            locked;
        /* ADC */
        localparam  ADC_DATA_OUT_SIZE   =   16;
        localparam  ADC_DATA_IN_SIZE    =   14;
        wire                                    adc_init_done;
        wire                                    adc_clock;
        wire    [ ADC_DATA_OUT_SIZE - 1 : 0 ]   adc_data_out_ch1;
        wire    [ ADC_DATA_OUT_SIZE - 1 : 0 ]   adc_data_out_ch2;
        wire    [ ADC_DATA_IN_SIZE  - 1 : 0 ]   adc_data_in;
        wire                                    adc_test_mode;
        wire                                    adc_fifo_empty_ch1;
        wire                                    adc_fifo_empty_ch2;
        integer                                 adc_data_count;
        /* Serial */
        localparam  SERIAL_DATA_SIZE    =   8;
        localparam  SERIAL_CLK_COUNT    =   31000000;   
        reg                                     serial_send;
        wire                                    serial_ready;
        reg     [ SERIAL_DATA_SIZE - 1 : 0 ]    serial_data_l;
        reg     [ SERIAL_DATA_SIZE - 1 : 0 ]    serial_data_h;
        integer                                 clk_counter;
        /* UART: send one convertion each SERIAL_CLK_COUNT cycles */
        always@( posedge clock ) begin
            if( ~locked ) begin
                clk_counter <= 0;
            else begin
                clk_counter <= clk_counter + 1;
                if( clk_counter == SERIAL_CLK_COUNT ) begin
                    clk_counter <= 0;
                    if( serial_ready )
                        serial_send <= 1'b1;
                else begin
                    serial_send <= 1'b0;
        /* Serial data setting */
        always@( adc_data_out_ch1 ) begin
            serial_data_l = adc_data_out_ch1[7:0 ];
            serial_data_h = adc_data_out_ch1[15:8];    
        assign  syzygy_p2c_clk_n    =   1'b0;
        assign  adc_test_mode       =   1'b0;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 0  ]   =   syzygy_s_24;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 1  ]   =   syzygy_s_22;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 2  ]   =   syzygy_d_n_4;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 3  ]   =   syzygy_d_p_6;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 4  ]   =   syzygy_d_n_6;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 5  ]   =   syzygy_s_16;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 6  ]   =   syzygy_s_18;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 7  ]   =   syzygy_s_20;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 8  ]   =   syzygy_s_17;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 9  ]   =   syzygy_d_p_4;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 10 ]   =   syzygy_s_19;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 11 ]   =   syzygy_s_21;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 12 ]   =   syzygy_s_23;
        assign  adc_data_in[ 13 ]   =   syzygy_s_25;
        /* ###################################### */
            .clk_in1                (i_clock),
            .reset                  (i_reset),
            .clk_out1               (clock),            /* sys clock: 100MHz    */
            .clk_out2               (adc_clock),        /* adc clock: 400MHz    */
            .locked                 (locked)
        /* ###################################### */
        serial #
            .i_clock                (clock),
            .i_reset                (~locked),
            .i_send                 (serial_send),
            .i_data_h               (serial_data_h),
            .i_data_l               (serial_data_l),
            .o_ready                (serial_ready),
            .o_tx                   (o_tx)
        /* ###################################### */
            .SysClk             (clock),                //  IN STD_LOGIC;
            .ADC_InClk          (adc_clock),            //  IN STD_LOGIC;
            .sRst_n             (locked),               //  IN STD_LOGIC;
            .sInitDone_n        (adc_init_done),        //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .FIFO_EMPTY_CHA     (adc_fifo_empty_ch1),   //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .FIFO_EMPTY_CHB     (adc_fifo_empty_ch2),   //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sCh1Out            (adc_data_out_ch1),     //  OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
            .sCh2Out            (adc_data_out_ch2),     //  OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0);
            .sTestMode          (adc_test_mode),        //  IN STD_LOGIC;
            .adcClkIn_p         (syzygy_c2p_clk_p),     //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .adcClkIn_n         (syzygy_c2p_clk_n),     //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .adcSync            (syzygy_s_27),          //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .DcoClk             (syzygy_p2c_clk_p),     //  IN STD_LOGIC;
            .dADC_Data          (adc_data_in),          //  IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(13 DOWNTO 0);
            .sADC_SDIO          (syzygy_d_p_2),         //  INOUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sADC_CS            (syzygy_s_26),          //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sADC_Sclk          (syzygy_d_n_2),         //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sCh1CouplingH      (syzygy_d_p_0),         //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sCh1CouplingL      (syzygy_d_n_0),         //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sCh2CouplingH      (syzygy_d_p_1),         //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sCh2CouplingL      (syzygy_d_n_1),         //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sCh1GainH          (syzygy_d_p_5),         //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sCh1GainL          (syzygy_d_n_5),         //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sCh2GainH          (syzygy_d_p_3),         //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sCh2GainL          (syzygy_d_n_3),         //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sRelayComH         (syzygy_d_p_7),         //  OUT STD_LOGIC;
            .sRelayComL         (syzygy_d_n_7)          //  OUT STD_LOGIC
        /* ###################################### */

    The "trash data" that I'm getting comes from adc_data_out_ch1 (I'm not using CH2), and by "trash data" I mean nonsense values, for example, very unstable output values when I have a constant analog input (even with 0V). 



    After researching, I realized the lack of some timing constraints that can be seen in this repository (from line 66 to 72). However, one of them is giving me problems. 

    When I run

    create_generated_clock -name syzygy_c2p_clk_p -source [get_pins top/ZmodADC1410_Controller_0/U0/InstADC_ClkODDR/C] -divide_by 1 [get_ports syzygy_c2p_clk_p]

    I get

    [Vivado 12-508] No pins matched 'top/u_ZmodADC1410_Controller_0/U0/InstADC_ClkODDR/C'.

    My top level design is "top" and my Zmod ADC controller instance is "u_ZmodADC1410_Controller_0" (the first one instantiates directly the second one).
    Paths I've tried (following this):  

    -source [get_pins top/u_ZmodADC1410_Controller_0/U0/InstADC_ClkODDR/C]
    -source [get_pins -filter {name=~ *InstADC_ClkODDR/C}] 
    -source [get_pins -hier InstADC_ClkODDR/C]

    All of them, with the same error message.

    If I dig into the controller vhd files, I can see that 'C' pin in its expected location (that is, in 'InstADC_ClkODDR') and in the synthesized schematic.

    Any ideas? I'm pretty new in this timing-related constraints.



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