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Posts posted by Rolf

  1. click the Help tab, then script  on the left pane.
    I think the setting (or getting) method in general is not eplicitely explained.
    The scripting language is JavaScript, based on the ECMAScript, ECMA-262 standard.
    In the "4. Code" section this Help tab many parameters are explained, but I think not all - and not your reqested ones:
    ... The instrument's object can be accessed from the script and has the most relevant child objects and parameters shown in the table below.
    The instrument parameters are stored in objects with the following properties:
    text: text representation of parameter.
    value: index of discrete setting (like mode: None, Auto, Normal) or value expressed in units.
    preset: list of discrete settings or nice value steps.
    real: available for some parameters, returns the actual value regarding the capture like the full voltage range...
    These objects seems to exist for all parameters and the manipulating methods are the same as already shown.
    Use Ctrl+Space in the script editing pane to show possible parameters (or more and more parameters are explained by mouse hoovering on it)
    and code with trial and error ! Print he preset object in this case is often a good idea and /or
    also look for the examples section in the help tab or open examples in the script tool tab.

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