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Posts posted by brha0386

  1. Hi attila,

    I am trying to use the .csv files in a precision timing application for high speed imaging where I need to delay a signal by 1 us increments. I do this by the following.


    wait_time_offset = 10e-6; // move start a bit from 0 so easier to see

    Patterns1.States.Wait.value = wait_time_offset;

    Patterns1.Channels.resistor.custom = resistor_pulse; // string definition which you helped with previously
    Patterns1.Channels.resistor.Delay.value = TT; //value I will change programmatically in a for loop to step the delay
    Patterns1.Channels.resistor.Output.text = "PP";
    Patterns1.Channels.resistor.Type.text = "Custom";
    Patterns1.Channels.resistor.Idle.text = "0";
    Patterns1.Channels.resistor.Frequency.value = freqeuncy_value; //10 MHz
    Patterns1.Channels.resistor.Samples.text = '5k';


    The setup works properly for small time delays but then there seems to be significant error after say 20 us of delay. When I don't load in a .csv file, and use the native pulse setups for a single pulsing event, there is no noticeable error. It seems to be when I load in the .csv file. I did increase the sample size to 5K from 1.024K. Could the issue be with the read-in time / processing time to read in a .csv file?




  2. Hi,

    I am attempting to script the pattern generator using a custom defined waveform. My perspective is that I have two options: (1) entering the custom values for the 1-1024 buffer slots through waveforms scripting or (2) loading in a .csv file that I create in another program. I have successfully done this using option 2 but the issue is I need for the entire system to be automated and would like to either find a way to script the file Import processes for the csv file or to define the values directly in waveforms scripting. Any help would be appreciated.

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