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New Analog Discovery 2 not working

Austin Gosling


I'm getting the following messages when trying to initialise a new Analog Discovery 2 that arrived a couple of days ago:

  FPGA-PLL not locked.

  USB: 4.66V 347mA AUX: 0.00V 0mA

I have tried connecting it a number of ways, via powered hub, direct to USB 2 and USB 3, to a Mac, with external power, etc.

On the Mac, the device is not recognized at all, but when I use "My device is not listed", then hit the "Find Devices" button, the results box shows "FT_OpenEx failed" and the device is not listed.

Also, on Windows, I can use WaveForms in mode 4 (no analog capability). The device shows up in "USB Serial Converter Properties", Details, Hardware IDs "USB\VID_0403&PID_6014&REV_0900" and "USB\VID_0403&PID_6014".

From reading the other threads, I would appear to have a good connection to the device, but an erased EEPROM? Tantalizingly, the Mac WaveForms device detector is named "Device Fix", and talks about "... repogram the erased USB EEPROM of Analog Discovery 1&2, Digital Discovery devices". This would be a great option if I could get it to work.

I ordered the device from mouser.de (Germany), and it appears to have been shipped from the US. I would appreciate any help you could provide remotely, as shipping back from Germany could be a nuisance and take a long time.


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6 answers to this question

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When I check the device on the terminal, I see that there is a USB device, so... maybe the name of the device is not correct in the application after the latest OS change?

Proton:firmware wayne$ ls -al /dev/tty.usb*
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   21,  24 Dec 25 19:14 /dev/tty.usbserial-00001014


when I unplug the device, this device is not listed.


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OK.  I think I figured it out.  With mac OS X (at least version 10.13) you have to allow the Digilent driver to load by launching "System Preferences" then opening the Panel "Security & Privacy".  Now select the segment "General" (at the top)


In the bottom section there should be a note that the drive tried to load but was blocked. You need to approve that it to load.

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** SOLVED **

Excellent, Wayne. Thanks for posting this. It required a restart before I could see the security warning, but then when I reinstalled the driver in Applications/WaveForms/Resources/DigilentFtdiDriver-1.1.0-2.pkg, and allowed it in the security manager, everything started working. It even works on Windows now!

My only observation is that the current draw is way beyond the 500mA stated in the documentation. I'm currently running at 900mA and 60℃, but everything appears to be working fine.

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