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ZYBO Z7-20's Embed Linux could not connect ethernet. Is there a bug in the board file of ZYBO Z7-20?



Ubuntu 14.04 worked on ZYBO Z7-20, but at first Ethernet did not work. The cause was that MDIO of Ethrnet 0 of Peripheral I / O Pins of PS of ZYBO Z7 was connected to EMIO.


In the circuit diagram of ZYBO Z7, MDIO is connected to MIO52, MIO53. In the board file, should I connect MDIO of Ethrnet 0 of PS Peripheral I / O Pins to MIO?



Currently, since we connected MDIO of Ethrnet 0 of Peripheral I / O Pins of PS of ZYBO Z7 to MIO, Ubuntu 14.04's Ethernet now works on ZYBO Z7-20.



This situation was also the same for ZYBO.
In previous ZYBO_zynq_def.xml, MIDO was connected to MIO.

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Hi @marsee101,

I have moved this thread to the embedded linux section where more embedded linux forum members look. I will do more research Monday on the board files for the Zybo-Z7-20. IThe  current Zynq configuration for the Ethernet on the Zybo is EMIO as shown below. I have successfully completed the getting started on Zynq servers tutorials here with the current settings. The Zybo Ethernet is connected in the same way as the Zybo-Z7-20 as show below.  

thank you,




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Hi @marsee101,

I know the board files with the pins set to 16 and 27 for the zybo work correctly with the vivado/sdk and the echo server here. I have not heard of any changes needing to be made in the board files for the Ethernet to work in petalinux. Here is a quick guide for petelinux and the zybo. We do not have a petalinx base design for the Zybo-z7 yet. I am sure we will in the near future.I believe that when using Ubuntu 14.04 you might need a different hardware setting for the Ethernet to work, in this case having the pins connected to 52 and 53, and changing from EMIO to MIO.  Thank you for posting what you have found and I am glad that you were able to get Ubuntu 14.04 to work on the Zybo-Z7.



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