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Regarding conversion of reg to int

Aditya Gedela


In my code,

always @(posedge clk) begin

//I wrote some algorithm and I am assigning a new value to a register random done with a delay of 5 seconds.


integer k;

//and next to convert it into integer i am writing

always @(random done) begin

k=random done;




if (k==2)





so when I  am writing a separate always block for converting into integer all LEDs are glowing at once immediately after programming....

Is there any way I can directly assign to the integer k in the first always block itself?....

Can you please help me out...


Thanks in Advance

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3 answers to this question

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@Aditya Gedela

At this point, k is just a copy of your random_done. always@(random_done) triggers an event whenever random_done changes, so k will be copied and then each led will be updated. The bigger problem is that you do not appear to have a way to set your leds to 0 coded into your always block. How you fix this depends on how many leds you have access to, and how many bits are in the random_done register. To provide a better suggestion, we would need to see more code, but as it stands, if you only have 16 leds (declared as "output reg [15:0] led") and a 32 bit random done register, you could do something like this:

	led[15:0] = random_done[31:16];

This should fix the issue of the leds being always on, something a little closer to the style you are already writing in would be this:

always@(random_done) begin
	if (random_done == 0)
    	led = 16'b0;
	else if (random_done == 1)
    	led = 16'b1;
    else if (random_done == 2)
    	led = 16'b10;
    else if (random_done == 3)
    	led = 16'b100;

This code will turn on only the led with bit position equal to the value of random_done. Key again is that you need to set the led bits that you don't want on to be 0s.

Hope this helps,


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