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JTAG USB programming Xilinx 9536 with Impact



Configuration: Windows 7 64 bit
Xilinx ISE 14.2
Digilent Adept System_v2.16.4

1. Confirmed after installing Adept that plug-in files are installed in .cse folder
2. Impact detects 'Diligent USB cable' with Port DCabUsb/0000000000 and only Default speed selectable. 

INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Plugin Version: 2.2.10
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: found 1 device(s).
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: opening device: "DCabUsb", SN:000000000000
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: User Name: DCabUsb
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Product Name: JTAG-USB Cable
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Serial Number: 000000000000
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Product ID: 30100203
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Firmware Version: 030A
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: JTAG Port Number: 0
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: JTAG Clock Frequency: 1600000 Hz

3. Impact detects my XL9536XL CPLD when initialising. However there are no ERASE or PROGRAM operations available for this device

Reading C:/Xilinx/14.2/ISE_DS/ISE/xc9500xl/data/xc9536xl.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc9536xl successfully. done.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 1 -file "C:/nistune/Xilinx_Type1/schematic_xl_revj_E000.jed"
'1': Loading file 'C:/nistune/Xilinx_Type1/schematic_xl_revj_E000.jed' ...done.
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc9536xl successfully.

4. I am able to manually generate an SVF through IMPACT and then load into Adept and program through the separate software, but I would like to program the CPLDs through Impact directly with this cable. Is this possible?

When making the SVF I get this warning, but it does work fine with the Diligent device

WARNING:iMPACT - Warning: SVF Programming of 9500 series CPLDs is not supported by every third-party boundary-scan tool provider. Please check for support before using this SVF file to program a 9500 series device.

So why doesnt IMPACT show Erase and Program options?

5. When ticking the Cable Setup > Open Cable plugin to use the 'plugin' directly there are warning of driver errors. However it when shows ERASE and PROGRAM options (but I cannot get the plugin option to work)

GUI --- Auto connect to cable...
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -target "xilinx_platformusbPORT=USB21 FREQUENCY=6000000"
Connecting to cable (UsbPort - USB21).
Checking cable driver.
Source driver files not found.

Attached are screenshots 


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4 answers to this question

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Hi @darkhalf,

Unfortunately, The JTAG-HS2 AND JTAG-HS3 are not able to target the xilinx 9536 CPLD.

If you are using the JTAG-HS2 -here in the reference manual under Supported target devices it lists the Xilinx 9500/9500XL CPLDs as not being able to target.

If you are using the JTAG-HS3 - Here in the reference manual under 3 Supported target devices it lists the Xilinx 9500/9500XL CPLDs as not being able to target.

thank you,




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Some clarification - I am using the older JTAG-USB cable (Purchased 2006, so not HS-2 or HS-3) - see attached brochure

This device does work with the 9536 CPLD, however we need to create a SVF using iMPACT and then run the SVF through Adept afterwards (it successfully erases and programs the CPLD, and tested fine afterwards)

I was hoping we could instead now use the CPLD + JTAG-USB with the latest software directly from iMPACT but this appears not to be the case? 


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