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Design new IP has M_AXI interface to write data in to dma


Posted (edited)

hi friends, 

im tring to design new ip has master interface which can write burst of data to dma, any one has experince something like this 

this is my code 

im new to verilog still try to understand how write this logic 


module axi_master_dma_writer #(
    parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32,
    parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 32,
    parameter BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 // Buffer size in samples
) (
    input wire clk,
    input wire resetn,
    // AXI Master Interface
    output reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_awaddr,
    output reg m_axi_awvalid,
    input wire m_axi_awready,
    output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi_wdata,
    output reg [3:0] m_axi_wstrb,
    output reg m_axi_wvalid,
    input wire m_axi_wready,
    input wire m_axi_bvalid,
    output reg m_axi_bready,
    // Control Signals
    input wire start_transfer,
    input wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] base_addr,
    input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_in,
    input wire data_valid,
    output reg ready_for_data

    reg [9:0] buffer_index = 0;
    reg [1:0] write_state = 0;
    reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sample_buffer[0:BUFFER_SIZE-1];

    always @(posedge clk or negedge resetn) begin
        if (!resetn) begin
            m_axi_awaddr <= 0;
            m_axi_awvalid <= 0;
            m_axi_wdata <= 0;
            m_axi_wstrb <= 4'b1111;
            m_axi_wvalid <= 0;
            m_axi_bready <= 1;
            buffer_index <= 0;
            write_state <= 0;
            ready_for_data <= 1;
        end else begin
            case (write_state)
                0: if (start_transfer) begin
                        m_axi_awaddr <= base_addr;
                        m_axi_awvalid <= 1;
                        buffer_index <= 0;
                        write_state <= 1;
                        ready_for_data <= 1;

                1: if (data_valid && ready_for_data) begin
                        sample_buffer[buffer_index] <= data_in;
                        buffer_index <= buffer_index + 1;
                        ready_for_data <= (buffer_index < BUFFER_SIZE - 1);

                        if (buffer_index == BUFFER_SIZE - 1) begin
                            write_state <= 2;
                            m_axi_awvalid <= 1;
                            buffer_index <= 0;

                2: if (m_axi_awready) begin
                        m_axi_awvalid <= 0;
                        write_state <= 3;

                3: if (buffer_index < BUFFER_SIZE) begin
                        m_axi_wdata <= sample_buffer[buffer_index];
                        m_axi_wvalid <= 1;
                        if (m_axi_wready && m_axi_wvalid) begin
                            buffer_index <= buffer_index + 1;
                            if (buffer_index == BUFFER_SIZE - 1) begin
                                write_state <= 4;

                4: if (m_axi_bvalid) begin
                        m_axi_bready <= 1;
                        write_state <= 0;

please help me 




Edited by amilashanaka

4 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)

Simulate your design if you want to debug your AXI Master to make life easy!

You can then compare your simulation results to that of the AXI signals transitions given by the AXI specification.

And for that you need a testbench that can provide stimulus to the AXI Master.

Edited by dpaul
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26 minutes ago, dpaul said:

Simulate your design if you want to debug your AXI Master to make life easy!

You can then compare your simulation results to that of the AXI signals transitions given by the AXI specification.

And for that you need a testbench that can provide stimulus to the AXI Master.

Thank you , learnning how to simulate 

  • 0

Also, it might be worth reading more about DMA and the different AXI bus types. The Xilinx AXI DMA has the AXI full master and slave interfaces built in which can be connected to the AXI ports of the PS. This leaves 2 AXI stream (AXIS) interfaces which is the simplest way to transfer data to/from the PL.  In the PL, transferring bursts of data doesn't usually require memory-mapped read/write access.

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