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DAQami ‘An unknown error has occurred. The operation has timed out’




I’ve been having a recurring error in DAQami when logging some thermocouples. The hardware is a TC-32 and TC-32 EXP, serial number 219EAA2. DAQami is version 4.2.1f0.

The thermocouple channels were all recording OK at the start of the log. After 3hrs, a dialogue box had appeared stating ‘An unknown error has occurred. The operation has timed out’.  


Clicking OK saved the log file. Clicking the Play arrow showed that all the temperatures were still reading. I started another log, which again started OK. After 3hrs (potentially a coincidence?), the same error had appeared. Clicking Play again showed the thermocouples were still reading.

The previous two trials were run at 3Hz. I repeated the trial at 1Hz and the same error appeared, but only after approximately 1.5hrs this time.

I tried running the logger on a different computer, but the same errors appeared.

What does this error indicate? Is it likely to be a software or a hardware issue?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


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