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Python support for USB-2404-UI in Linux

Charles Dickson


Hi, I am trying to figure out if there is really Python support for the USB-2404-UI in Linux.  The product page for this device seems to hint that Python is a programming option in Linux, however the github readme for uldaq seems to indicate that uldaq is required for the Python library and uldaq doesn't seem to support the USB-2404-UI.  This page (https://files.digilent.com/manuals%2FLinux-hw.pdf) for devices supported by uldaq doesn't include the USB-2404-UI, and a quick look at the code (AiUSB24xx.cpp) also seems to indicate that my device isn't supported.  However to make things more confusing, someone responded to a question on this forum that C and Python can be used in Linux to communicate with the USB-2404-UI.  Perhaps I am mistaken and the python library does not require uldaq (except the Python library is literally named uldaq here:  https://pypi.org/project/uldaq/).  Could I get some kind of pointer to C and Python support for the USB-2404-UI in Linux if it exists?  Thanks.

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