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Receiving data input from an Arduino usb device through the USB A port on an Analog Discovery Studio



I have an Arduino Uno based device which produces analog output that is interfaced via the standard Arduino usb port. The device is a Metrolab MV2 Magvector magnetic field measurement system. It is perhaps the most powerful device out there for measuring 3 dimensional magnetic fields. The unit outputs streams of data and is programmable via the usb port that talks to the internal chip via the Arduino UNO.

The Analog Discvoery Lab is a very powerful DAQ and display system and I need to be able to make measurements over extended time frames of hours and possibly days, which the Analog Discovery is great for doing. I want to be able to read the output data and display it on my Analog Discovery Studio.

One of the options is to have the device record and store the data and then retrieve it. I would like to be able to read the stored data in through the USB A port on the Discovery Studio. Has anyone in the forum used a USB based external source for capture and display to the Studio?


I have attached the Magvector MV2 Data Sheet.

MagVector MV2 Datasheet v2.5.pdf

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