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Measuring DC with Wavegen in Waveforms


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I'm trying to measure DC with Wavegen but I can't change any of the settings other than offset for some reason. They are all just greyed out. I don't have this problem when I generate sinusoidal or pulse waves. On top of that when I run the DC wave with the default configuration, I get a voltage of 0 in the scope tab. Is it supposed to be like this? For reference I have W1 plugged into +1 and -1 plugged into GRND. I am learning to use Waveforms and for classes I need to be able to know how to use the basic waves in Wavegen, which I do, this is the only one giving me trouble. I can measure the wave just fine in Scope if I use the Power Supply instead of Wavegen.



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Hi @debeat

Welcome to the forum!

Offset directly controls the DC voltage of the AWG output when its selected and running. The other settings are greyed out because they aren't applicable to a signal that doesn't vary with time. If you change the offset, you should see the scope reading change voltage level.



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