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Why can't connect output of RTL module to AXI gpio output that is connected to LED



I am using Vivado 2023.1 and I am not able to connect the output of RTL module to AXI GPIO output that is connected to LED. Please see attached. RTL is below


module led_blinker (
    input wire sysclk,
    input wire rst,
    output reg led

    reg [26:0] counter;
    reg led_state;


//TO make reset signal work with PS, make sure it is negedge reset
    always @(posedge sysclk or negedge rst) begin
        if (~rst) begin
            counter <= 27'd0;
            led_state <= 1'b0;
        end else begin
            if (counter == 27'd99999999) begin  // Adjust for desired blink rate
                counter <= 27'd0;
                led_state <= ~led_state;
            end else begin
                counter <= counter + 1'b1;

        always @(*)
        led = led_state;




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2 answers to this question

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On 9/15/2024 at 5:43 AM, Viktor Nikolov said:

I think you can't have a port driven from two sources.

If you need to control the LED from both the AXI GPIO and RTL module, you need to add an OR logic block: IP Catalog|BaseIP|Utility Vector Logic.

Thanks so much. Let me try that

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