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Waveforms SDK Analog Discovery 3 Power Supply Quits



Mainly just putting this here in case others hit this issue. Maybe someone can confirm my assumptions. 

I had code that worked for the Analog Discovery 2 that used the Waveform Generator. Copying the sample code, I used -1 to set up both channels at once. Set up with FDwfAnalogOutNodeEnableSet(), both channels at once with idxChannel = -1. The documentation does not say you can do this, but many examples use this pattern.  

I also used the positive Power Supply. It worked until I executed the Waveform Generator setup code. Then it would drop to near 0V. 

Looking at the results of FDwfAnalogOutCount(), four channels are reported. There are only two Waveform Generators. 

I can only assume, from obscure hints in the Analog Discovery Three documentation, that the other two channels are the power supplies. That would explain why configuration of an analog output on all four channels would kill the power supply. 

In any case, changing the code to configure channel 0 and channel 1 separately, not using -1 to do them both at once, resolved the issue. 

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