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MCC USB-1208HS-4AO - Need Help Getting Started

Sepehr Sadeh


Greetings. I am starting a new project and need to connect a PDM sensor found here: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/knowles/V2S200D/18670159
to a DAQ software such as MATLAB using your MCC USB-1208HS-4AO: High-Speed USB DAQ Device found here: https://digilent.com/shop/mcc-usb-1208hs-4ao-high-speed-usb-daq-device/
I have very limited knowledge and experience in electronics. Please advise.

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Hello @Sepehr Sadeh.

Is your thought to use the '+5V' output terminal on the MCC USB-1208HS-4AO device to power the Knowles V2S200D sensor and then read the data output from the sensor into an analog input channel on the MCC USB-1208HS-4AO device?  The USB-1208HS-4AO does not have delta-sigma converter, but it appears that the V2S200D sensor does and the output data range is -0.3 V to +5.0 V.

I cannot confirm whether the two devices will work for your application, but it warrants testing.  Reference the MATLAB® Support for MCC Products page for information using MCC devices with MATLAB.

Typically, for vibration applications using accelerometers with our products, customers use the DT9837A, DT9857E SeriesMCC 172 or WebDAQ 504.



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Hi Fausto,

Thank you for your prompt response. Yes, I would power from the card itself or an independent power supply. My thoughts were to input the PDM signal from the sensors into the digital input channels on the card (multiple sensors, multiple DIs) and decode the incoming signal from there. Would that work, or is there more that needs to be done? The second question is regarding sensor timing input. The sensor requires a clock input (F=1.2, 1.536,2.4, or/and 3.072MHz) - I presume I could use one DO/AO from the card or a trigger channel to give a clock signal. Am I missing something, or should the card be able to handle the above just fine?


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Hello Sepehr.

The sensor's signal would be connected to the analog input channel(s) on the data acquisition (daq) device.  The Timer output on the MCC USB-1208HS-4AO device can be used as the clock source for the MCC USB-1208HS-4AO device and the sensor.  Note, an external input clock rate has a specification of 1 MHz max.



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Hi Fausto,

The sensor already provides a *digital* PDM output. I want to input it into the MCC Digital I/O channel rather than Analog Input. Would you *not* recommend that? My understanding is that the 1MHz you are referring to is the max rate of the card AO channel itself. Is there another channel (e.g., trigger) that can be used for the clock at higher frequencies? Maybe we need to look at another MCC card instead? Please advise. I would expect 4-8 of these sensors connected to 1 card. I still need at least 2 AOs to generate analog waveforms ~ 100 to 20,000 Hz.

Thank you,

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Hello @Sepehr Sadeh.

For MCC devices with MATLAB, the analog input and output subsystems are supported; session-based (64-bit) interface support only. However, analog output streaming (hardware-paced), counter/timer, and digital I/O are not supported.

Each analog output channel can be hardware-paced at rates up to 1 MS/s.  If not using MATLAB, the USB-1208HS-4AO satisfies your application's analog waveform outputs.

If using MATLAB is a requirement, then we do not have a device that satisfies your application's requirements.



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