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FileWriteBinary results in 0x0000 content



Hi to the forum,

I like my Digital Discovery and made a project to take HP Singnatures (historic method for HP instruments) and reading ROM images.

All is working well, except for the last step.

I have filled up an array called "romOutData" by:

var romOutData = []:  // for init ...

romOutData.push (rgValue [i]);    // to read values into OutData

And at the end I use:

FileWriteBinary("/tmp/x.bin", romOutData);   // write file

I successfully creates a file, it has the expected length of 8192 bytes (there are 8192 entries in romOutDate.length), but hexdump shows all 8192 values with zeros (0x00) ....

Reading out with a for loop is OK:

for (var i = 0; i < romOutData.length; i ++) {
    print ("romOutData [", i, "] = ", romOutData [i]);
print("len = ", romOutData.length);

... delivers ...


romOutData [ 8188 ] = h80
romOutData [ 8189 ] = hBA
romOutData [ 8190 ] = h04
romOutData [ 8191 ] = h51
len = 8192

So the fields have the correct values, but the file has only zeros. Is this a data type issue ?
What is the correct way to handle binary files and byte arrays in the script language of Discovery products ?

I use 3.22.23 (beta) on Linux 64bit Ubuntu 24.04 with Digital Discovery


Edited by OE3CPA
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The values are strings. Use parseInt("0x"+rgValue[i].substring(1)) to convert to number.
FileWriteBinary expects/writes array of bytes/characters. If you need, you can use File object methods for other types of data.


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