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Ports used by Waveforms to communicate with AD3450 via Ethernet



I'm using the AD3450 in a corporate environment. They have approved the device for use on the network. The network is heavily locked down, so they need to know the ports used by Waveforms to communicate with the AD3450 via the Ethernet connection. I checked the documentation but could not find anything. How do I figure out the ports?

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The ADP3450 listens on UDP and TCP port 33890 (registered with IANA). UDP port 33890 is used for detecting enumeration requests (broadcast by clients trying to discover devices on the local subnet). TCP port 33890 is used to listen for connections from clients and is used to established the control connection for command and status. After the client connects it sends a request to initiate a passive data connection. The server on the ADP3450 responds to this request by calling bind with sin_port = 0, which results in the operating system (Linux) randomly assigning a port in the ephemeral port range (typically 32768 to 60999), listening for connection on this randomly assigned port, and send a response packet over the other socket (control/status connection previously established) containing the IP address and port on which the server will accept the data connection. The client then connects using the IP address and port it received from the ADP3450. This mechanism of establishing the data connection is effectively the same as used by FTP when establishing a passive data connection. Unfortunately, this means that you would need to forward a large port range to connect to the ADP3450 over the internet or VPN into the network containing the device.

Are you trying to connect to the device on the same local network / subnet?

One thing I forgot to mention: enumeration (device discovery) also uses mdns-sd, which should allow discovery across subnets, provided that the router has multicast enabled and is properly configured.

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