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DASYLab does not give error messages



For a while now my DASYLab 2022 has been not giving me error messages. I am unable to see what exactly the problem is. My programs are unable to run or crash but I get no error messages. Its been months since I have seen any message. I have a windows 10 machine. 

Can you please let me know what I can do besides uninstalling it and reinstalling. 

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Hello @Miguel_Has_Questions.

Which version and build of DASYLab are you using?  Go to Help - About in the main menu of DASYLab and reply with a screen capture of the Version tab.

2 hours ago, Miguel_Has_Questions said:

Its been months since I have seen any message.

Does DASYLab crash or prompt with error messages every time or only with certain worksheets?

Are you using MCC or other hardware with DASYLab?

Can you share screen captures and your worksheet?

With DASYLab closed, browse to your C:\Users\Public\Documents\DASYLab\{version}\eng directory.  Save the DASYLab.ini settings file to DASYLab.old and then restart DASYLab.  A new DASYLab.ini file is created.

Do any errors appear when loading DASYLab?  If you create a simple worksheet that does not require external hardware, are you able to run the worksheet without getting any errors?



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