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Arty 7Z10 QSPI boot problem



I have two Arty 7Z10 boards that I have programmed their QSPI flash  with the LWIP Echo example program.  The LWIP Echo Program works without error while I ran it Debug (TCF) mode, Run (TCF) mode and also when I run the FSBL through TCF (run or debug)

Also, the "Program Flash Memory" tool programs the QPSI flash memory without error , including "verify", when I select "qpsi-x4-single" or if I select "qpsi-x4-dual_stacked"; both complete without errors.

however, when I boot from QPSI from a cold power cycle the Ethernet is no longer recognized from the test laptop.  If I then hit the PORB reset button on the ARTY board I do see the Zynq print out onto a PUTTY serial terminal emulator that it booted the LWIP without error and is waiting for input from the test laptop to echo back, with no error messages printed out:


this would seem to indicate that the  LWIP initialization executed by the zynq without error.  but the ethernet link to the laptop does not work , and in wireshark reports that the destination host is unreachable when I try to ping form my test laptop

I am using Vivado 2019.1

any help would be greatly appreciated




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I figured out what was wrong. The FSBL executed so fast that the LWIP code was running and overwriting the Ethernet PHY device on the Digilent ARTY evaluation board before the Ethernet PHY completed it's power on reset functions. I inserted a 5 second dummy wait loop at the very beginning of the LWIP main.c code. The time was arbitrary selected, I did not care if it was longer than required. With this dummy loop the ARTY / Zynq was able to boot from the QPSI flash and run my application from a cold power start or a PORB push button reset-reboot

The Ethernet PHY on the Digilent ARTY evaluation board has a reset pin that is active with the application of DC input power to the board. But it is not activated by the ARTY's PORB push button that does reset the Zynq device. I will inform Digilent.

Strangely enough the obsolete ZED board that uses the Zynq 7Z20 device does activate it's Ethernet PHY's reset with the PORB reset pushbutton.

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