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djtgcfg segmentation faults



I am trying to use a Diligent JTAG HS2 adapter to connect some of the PMOD GPIO pins of my AMD Virtex Ultrascale+ VCU118 FPGA to use with Synopsys's MetaWare Debugger. The machine connected to the JTAG HS2 adapter is running SUSE SLES 15SP1. According to the Metaware guide, Metaware requires the following to work with Digilent JTAG adapters:
libusb 1.0
FTDI D2XX library, libftd2xx
Digilent Adept Runtime software
Digilent Adept Utilities

I installed all of these libraries. While I dont think the following is the cause of my issue I figured its worth mentioning just in case: I first attempted to install libusb 1.0, I got a message suggesting I install libusb-0_1-4, which was not what I needed so I ended up installing libusb-1_0 in addition to libusb-0_1-4.

I was having some issues with the Metaware debugger setting the JTAG speed as well as not connecting to the target, and the Metaware guide suggests "If the debugger is unable to connect to the target, use the Digilent Adept Utility and confirm that it is able to see JTAG devices in the chain. This is a first-level sanity check that JTAG is working.

Because I am unfamiliar with djtgcfg and Digilent Adept in general, I thought it would be a good idea to look at some example of how to use djtgcfg, which led me to https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-pro-3x50/programming-an-fpga
Following the above example I then did the following:
To check if the JTAG device was being detected I entered the following command in the terminal:
"djtgcfg enum"
which displayed 2 devices inlcuding the H2S adapter as expected. 
I then used the following command to try to find programmable JTAG devices:
"djtgcfg init -d JtagHs2"
and got the following error: 
"ERROR: failed to enable JTAG, erc =3"
I did a little googling to see if someone else had a similiar issue, and found this:

Which has a reply suggesting to try to run the djtgcfg command with sudo. When I did this I got a message saying the following:
"Segmentation fault (core dumped)"
Now when I try to do any djtgcfg commands, whether it is djtgcfg enum or djtgcfg init, with or without sudo, I get the same segmentation fault message. I am not sure where the core dump was written to and I am having trouble finding it, but if someone can point me to some possible locations relative to where djtgcfg I will look for it and upload it.

Additionally, after getting the djtgcfg segmentation faults, I am also now getting segmentation faults when trying to run MetaWare Debugger, and while I know that this is an issue I need to talk to synopsis about, I figured it was worth mentioning given that it seems to be realted. I can upload the MetaWare Debugger core dump if it might be useful.
I have also attached a screenshot of the terminal starting with the first djtgcfg command I ran.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is any other helpful information I can provide. Thanks!

segmentation fault terminal.JPG


Edited by dsimonHPE
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