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Help needed in simultaneous DAC writing and ADC reading of MCC DAQ 1206 via python API



Device Name: MCC DAQ 1602HS_2AO

DAC0 port - chirp signal out.

Ai0 port - Signal in

Due to lack of documentation, I had to learn python API through example codes. There isn't any examples codes of simultaneous Analog output and Analog input scan. Therefore I had to go with trial and error. 

I did find the code for Analog input in the background, but I could not find any code for Analog output in background.

I could not start both the functions together natively. For time being I am using python parellel processing method to run two different python files together at same time. Please find the code in attachment. 

I hope there is a elegant solution for this.
You efforts will be appreciated.



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The USB-1602HS-2AO has unique scan options (ADCCLOCK & ADCCLOCKTRIG) that, when specified, make the output scan run simultaneously with the input scan. By including these options (i.e. ScanOptions.BACKGROUND | ScanOptions.ADCCLOCK | ScanOptions.ADCCLOCKTRIG), the output will start when the input is begun. ADCCLOCK says to use the input clock for the sample rate, and ADCCLOCKTRIG says to use the first edge of the input clock as a trigger. You must call a_out_scan before a_in_scan for it to work. 

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