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MCC 128 DAQhat for Rpi Not detecting both boards




I've recently started using the MCC DAQ hats for raspberry pi. Overall they're great with amazing documentation! Have run a bunch of code with just one MCC 128 with Rpi 5 and works perfectly. But I recently tried to integrate a second hat and came across some issues. When I attach the second hat (address 1), the hat at address 0 has the error 'does not respond' when running the multi-hat code example. Only the hat at address 1 is responding. Both hats are listed when I run the 'eeproms' and  'list hats' commands. Also, some of the raspberry pi's pixels are also glowing red after the second hat was connected. Anyone see something similar or know why it might not be responding?



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Hello @MHart.

Please confirm that you are using the current library version of the MCC DAQ HAT Library

Please reply with screen captures of the daqhats_versionsudo daqhats_read_eeproms, and daqhats_list_boards.

Do you have any other non-MCC daq hat boards installed on your RPi 5?

On 7/4/2024 at 6:35 AM, MHart said:

Also, some of the raspberry pi's pixels are also glowing red after the second hat was connected.

Display pixels? Please elaborate and reply with an image.

Are both MCC 128 boards new or have they been used previously?

Please send me a private message with each serial number from the backside label and sales/invoice information.



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