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Power Supply with AD3's in Waveforms SDK



I am trying to use python and the waveforms SDK to do a few different things. So far, I have been using the example python files and I have gotten help from @attila. I want three different AD3's to share a clock signal based off of the reference of a "master device". I want the three to then output a digital out clock signal and measure with analog in channels. All of this is working to my knowledge. I am now trying to turn on the +- voltage supplies to +-5v on all of the devices and having trouble. Everything runs as it should to my knowledge except the supplies do no turn on. Here is my code. Any suggestions?

from ctypes import *
import sys
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from dwfconstants import *

# Load the WaveForms library
dwf = cdll.dwf

# Initialize error message buffer
szerr = create_string_buffer(512)
if szerr[0] != b'\0':

# Initialize device handle and list of device handles
hdwf = c_int(0)
rghdwf = []
cChannel = c_int()
cDevice = c_int()
sts = c_byte()
cSamples = 30000
rgdSamples = (c_double * cSamples)()

# Buffers for device name and serial number
devicename = create_string_buffer(32)
serialnum = create_string_buffer(32)

# Get and print WaveForms version
version = create_string_buffer(32)
print("DWF Version: " + str(version.value))

# Enumerate connected devices
dwf.FDwfEnum(c_int(0), byref(cDevice))
print("Number of Devices: " + str(cDevice.value))

print("Connect trigger lines between devices for reference clock and triggering")

hdwfMaster = c_int(0)

dwf.FDwfParamSet(DwfParamExtFreq, 10000000)  # reference clock frequency
dwf.FDwfParamSet(DwfParamFrequency, 100000000)  # system clock frequency

# Open each device and configure
dwf.FDwfEnum(c_int(0), byref(cDevice))

for iDevice in range(cDevice.value):
    dwf.FDwfDeviceOpen(c_int(iDevice), byref(hdwf))
    dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(iDevice, c_int(0), c_int(0), c_double(1))  # enable positive supply
    dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(iDevice, c_int(0), c_int(1), c_double(5.0))  # set voltage to 5 V
    dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(iDevice, c_int(1), c_int(0), c_double(1))  # enable negative supply
    dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(iDevice, c_int(1), c_int(1), c_double(-5.0))  # set voltage to -5 V
    dwf.FDwfAnalogIOEnableSet(iDevice, c_int(1))  # master enable

    if hdwf.value == 0:


    dwf.FDwfDeviceAutoConfigureSet(hdwf, 0)  # the instruments will only be configured when FDwf###Configure is called

    if hdwfMaster.value == 0:
        hdwfMaster.value = hdwf.value
        dwf.FDwfDeviceParamSet(hdwf, DwfParamClockMode, 1)  # reference clock output on Trigger 1
        dwf.FDwfDeviceTriggerSet(hdwf, 1, trigsrcPC)  # Trigger 2 outputs TriggerPC
        dwf.FDwfDeviceParamSet(hdwf, DwfParamClockMode, 2)  # reference clock input on Trigger 1

    print(f"Configure Device {iDevice + 1}")
    dwf.FDwfEnumDeviceName(c_int(iDevice), devicename)
    dwf.FDwfEnumSN(c_int(iDevice), serialnum)
    print("\t" + str(devicename.value))
    print("\t" + str(serialnum.value))

    dwf.FDwfDigitalOutTriggerSourceSet(hdwf, trigsrcExternal2)
    hzSys = c_double()
    dwf.FDwfDigitalOutInternalClockInfo(hdwf, byref(hzSys))
    cChannel = c_int()
    dwf.FDwfDigitalOutCount(hdwf, byref(cChannel))

    for iChannel in range(cChannel.value):
        dwf.FDwfDigitalOutEnableSet(hdwf, iChannel, 1)  # DIO-0
        dwf.FDwfDigitalOutDividerSet(hdwf, iChannel, int(hzSys.value / 1e3 / 2))  # prescaler to 2kHz, SystemFrequency/1kHz/2
        dwf.FDwfDigitalOutCounterSet(hdwf, iChannel, 1, 1)  # 1 tick low, 1 tick high
        dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRunSet(hdwf, iChannel, c_double(0.0001))
        dwf.FDwfDigitalOutIdleSet(hdwf, iChannel, DwfDigitalOutIdleLow)

    dwf.FDwfDigitalOutConfigure(hdwf, 1)

    # Configure each device to trigger on External Trigger 1
    dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerSourceSet(hdwf, c_int(12))  # 12 = trigsrcExternal2
    dwf.FDwfAnalogInFrequencySet(hdwf, c_double(1e6))  # Set acquisition frequency to 1MHz
    dwf.FDwfAnalogInConfigure(hdwf, c_int(1), c_int(1))  # Start analog input configuration

# Wait for offsets to stabilize
# Wait until the last configured device is armed
hdwf.value = rghdwf[cDevice.value - 1]
while True:
    dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatus(hdwf, c_int(0), byref(sts))
    if sts.value == 1:  # DwfStateArmed

# Generate trigger signal on the first device to start both generators and acquisition
hdwf.value = rghdwf[0]

#Wait for acquisition to complete
while True:
    dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatus(hdwf, c_int(0), byref(sts))
    if sts.value == 2:  # DwfStateDone

# Plot the results
for iDevice in range(0, cDevice.value):
    hdwf.value = rghdwf[iDevice]

    dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatus(hdwf, c_int(1), byref(sts))
    if sts.value != 2:  # DwfStateDone
        print("Not triggered!")

    # Retrieve data from each channel and plot it
    dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelCount(hdwf, byref(cChannel))
    for iChannel in range(0, cChannel.value):
        dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusData(hdwf, iChannel, rgdSamples, c_int(cSamples))

        # Create a new figure for each channel
        plt.plot(np.fromiter(rgdSamples, dtype=float))
        plt.title(f'Device {iDevice + 1}, Channel {iChannel + 1}')
        plt.xlabel('Sample Index')
        plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')

# Display the plots

# Ensure all devices are closed


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Hi @Maxpfeiff


dwf.FDwfDeviceOpen(iDevice, byref(hdwf))

if hdwf.value == 0:


dwf.FDwfDeviceAutoConfigureSet(hdwf, 0)  # the instruments will only be configured when FDwf###Configure is called

dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(hdwf, 0, 0, c_double(1))  # enable positive supply
dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(hdwf, 0, 1, c_double(5.0))  # set voltage to 5 V
dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(hdwf, 1, 0, c_double(1))  # enable negative supply
dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(hdwf, 1, 1, c_double(-5.0))  # set voltage to -5 V
dwf.FDwfAnalogIOEnableSet(hdwf, 1)  # master enable
dwf.FDwfAnalogIOConfigure(hdwf)  # apply



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