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Cora Z7 07S - i2c




I'm trying to display information on an OLED screen via I2C.
In Vivado -> Board I checked "Shield I2C on J3" and made the necessary settings in .xdc
But it doesn't seem to work, if I try to scan the devices it gets stuck at 0x3C and until then it says that all the addresses are connected. 


If I use XIIC_REPEATED_START it does not block but detects all addresses as connected.

Also, the XIic_SelfTest function blocks the execution.
I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you,

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I managed to use I2C but not with AXI_IIC. In PS I activated IIC_0 and made the pins external.
After that I set them in .xdc

## ChipKit I2C
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P16   IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { IIC_0_0_scl_io }]; #IO_L24N_T3_34 Sch=ck_scl
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P15   IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { IIC_0_0_sda_io }]; #IO_L24P_T3_34 Sch=ck_sda

In the application I used XIicPs - and it works.

Why it doesn't work with AXI_IIC, I don't know - especially since this is the option that is proposed in Vivado if I2C is checked in the Board tab.

If anyone needs it, I have attached an archive with some functions that I have implemented to display information on an I2S Oled screen using the u8g2 library.

Thank you,



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1 hour ago, Bogy said:

 In PS I activated IIC_0 and made the pins external.

Are you talking about checking "I2C 0" in the IP config for the Zynq core under peripheral IO pins?

and did you use EMIO or MIO? (if I understand that's the difference between the EMIO box selection and I2C0 blocks available in this screenshot:




In the application I used XIicPs - and it works


You mean using that driver in a C application?


Thanks for sharing!  I spent a lot of time trying to figure this out with no luck...


Edited by user32
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11 minutes ago, user32 said:

Are you talking about checking "I2C 0" in the IP config for the Zynq core under peripheral IO pins?

Yes - I2C 0 - EMIO.

and did you use EMIO or MIO? (if I understand that's the difference between the EMIO box selection and I2C0 blocks available in this screenshot:



You mean using that driver in a C application?

Yes, see examples/xiicps_polled_master_example.c and the files which I attached.

In Vivado make IIC_0 pins external and set them in the .xdc.


11 minutes ago, user32 said:

Thanks for sharing!  I spent a lot of time trying to figure this out with no luck...


With pleasure. I also struggled for a while until something worked.


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Thanks again for the info!  I am rebuilding now... 

So I'm wondering if the #include "xiicps.h" in your header file is the driver I previously specified to be included in petalinux-config -c kernel settings...

@Bogy did you have to do that step of selecting the xilinx iic driver with -c kernel cmd?

in this menu:



If not I might need to rebuild with different settings potentially..

or maybe this will be working shortly...


edit: still not working, I probably have some things and place from all of my efforts and will try starting over again tomorrow...

cora_iic:~$ dmesg | grep i2c
i2c_dev: i2c /dev entries driver
cdns-i2c e0004000.i2c: can't get pinctrl, bus recovery not supported
cdns-i2c e0004000.i2c: 400 kHz mmio e0004000 irq 40
cdns-i2c e0005000.i2c: can't get pinctrl, bus recovery not supported
cdns-i2c e0005000.i2c: 400 kHz mmio e0005000 irq 41
xiic-i2c 41600000.i2c: error -ENXIO: IRQ index 0 not found


Edited by user32
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