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How to generate a narrow pulse for modulation in Waveforms or Waveforms SDK



Dear Digilent,

I have an eclypse Z7 and a Zmod AWG card. I want to generate a narrow pulse for modulation with another signal. Specifically I'm trying to generate a pulse with the following parameters in the Waveforms application:

Freq = 10 Hz, Amplitude = 1V, Offset = 0V, Symmetry = 500 ns = 0.0005%, Phase =0 degrees.

It appears that any symmetry value less that approximately 0.1% is treated as zero.  It appears that the symmetry parameter has bounds on its resolution that makes this unrealizable although the Zmod AWG card specifications make it seem that the hardware should be capable of generating it.

Is it possible to generate this pulse with the eclypse Z7 and Zmod AWG card and your Waveforms GUI application or SDK? If yes, how? If it can't be done with the Waveforms software, is there another way of doing it? I was hoping to avoid having to build application specific solution with the Xilinx tool suite as Waveforms has already done the work.




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Dear Digilent,

       So the short answer is it can't be done with the hardware due to the buffer size limitation. You missed the part where I wanted to implement this pulse inside a modulation. The method you are proposing can't be done in a modulation.




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Hi @MarchP

My answer was for the following question:

2 hours ago, MarchP said:

Is it possible to generate this pulse with the eclypse Z7 and Zmod AWG card and your Waveforms GUI application or SDK? If yes, how?

It was not clear to me if you need a simple pulse for an external modulator ('another signal') or you want to do something more (AM/FM...) in the device.

If software control accuracy is acceptable, the Script tool or custom application/script may be an easier approach than using the EclypseZ7 as development board:


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